Should chronic tonsillitis be removed?

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Video content is professionally consulted by Doctor Le Tuan Nhat Hoang - Ear - Nose - Throat Doctor - Interspecialty Department, Vinmec Times City International Hospital.

According to Doctor Le Tuan Nhat Hoang - Vinmec Times City General Hospital, the tonsils are a lymphoid organization located in the oropharynx of the body. For children, tonsils play an important role in the production of immune factors for the body. However, if the inflammatory process is repeated many times, it will cause diseases related to the tonsils.

According to the development time of the disease, tonsillitis is divided into 2 types:
Acute tonsillitis : When the incubation period is over 4 weeks; Chronic tonsillitis : The duration of inflammation in 1 year spans 12 weeks. Regarding the influence, Doctor Le Tuan Nhat Hoang said that chronic tonsillitis can affect both the health and development of children and pose many risks to the health of adults.
For children: Chronic tonsillitis can cause children to have cough, fever, sore throat, loss of appetite. Therefore, when children have chronic tonsillitis, it is necessary to have early and definitive treatment measures, because if chronic tonsillitis is repeated for 1 year, it will affect the growth of height and weight of children. young. For adults: Chronic tonsillitis can cause dangerous complications, requiring prompt medical intervention. Many parents wonder "is chronic tonsils dangerous?" and "how to cure chronic tonsillitis?", on this issue, Doctor Le Tuan Nhat Hoang shared: The patient will be prescribed chronic tonsillectomy in the following cases:
The child has many infections in 1 year (5-7 times/year), for 2 consecutive years; Indications related to obstructive phenomena (loud snoring, sleep apnea...); Indications related to chronic tonsillitis complications ; For surgery for chronic tonsillitis, the benefits always outweigh the possible risks. However, patients after surgery to treat chronic tonsillitis need to be cared for carefully, closely monitored to promptly detect postoperative complications and promptly handle them.

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