Home Tag Respiratory tract inflammation

Articles in Respiratory tract inflammation

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Instructions for using Prospan cough syrup, lozenges for children
Prospan cough medicine has the effect of clearing mucus, reducing spasms, and reducing cough. Therefore, the drug is used in acute respiratory infections with cough and symptomatic treatment in chronic bronchitis diseases.
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Cough medicine: How should you take it?
Cough medicine is one of the most common of all medicines used by humans. However, how cough medicine works, how should it be used are issues that have not really been paid attention to.
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When is it necessary to combine antibiotics?
Almost all specialists agree that antibiotics should only be used when absolutely necessary and, if possible, the amount of antibiotics taken should be limited. However, in clinical practice, it is not always the case that using just one antibiotic will eliminate the infection. Sometimes, a combination of two or three different antibiotics is needed to effectively treat the condition. Antibiotic combination therapy is necessary in certain clinical situations
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What diseases does Cefuroxime 500mg treat?
Cefuroxim 500mg belongs to the group of cephalosporin antibiotics, is indicated in cases of bacterial infections such as urinary tract infections, respiratory tract infections, gastrointestinal infections... Cefuroxim 500mg is a prescription drug, patients do not arbitrarily use it. without a doctor's prescription.
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What does Claminat do?
Claminat 625mg is an antibiotic with the main ingredients Amoxicillin 500mg and Clavulanic Acid 125mg, used in the treatment of ear, nose and throat infections, lower respiratory tract infections, urinary tract and genital infections.
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What is Erdosteine ​​300mg?
Erdosteine ​​medicine 300mg is used to treat acute cough symptoms in chronic bronchitis thanks to its mucus-clearing effect, thereby making it easier for patients to cough. So what is Erdosteine ​​300mg and how is it used?
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What does Anaferon do?
Anaferon is used in the treatment and prevention of recurrent influenza, upper respiratory tract infections, herpes virus infections, intestinal infections, neuritis. This medicine can be used safely in children 1 month of age and older.
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Uses of Clatab 500mg
Clatab 500 has the active ingredient clarithromycin 500 mg. The drug is indicated for the treatment of respiratory diseases and infections. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid side effects, patients should carefully read the instructions for use before using.
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What is Codeforte and how does it work?
Codeforte drug is often indicated in the treatment of symptoms in a number of diseases such as pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia ... Depending on the age and pathology of each patient, the drug is indicated in a dose , different drug forms. The following article provides some information for you to read some key information about Codeforte drugs such as effects, usage, possible unwanted effects.
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What does Brudoxil do?
Brudoxil 500mg is a drug used in the treatment of mild and moderate bacterial infections such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, ... Knowing the drug information will help the process of use. more effective.
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Uses of Cefurich 500
Drug Cefurich 500 is often used in the treatment of respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections - genitals,... So what is Cefurich 500 and how is it used?
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