Home Tag Respiratory tract inflammation

Articles in Respiratory tract inflammation

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When is it necessary to combine antibiotics?
Almost all specialists agree that antibiotics should only be used when absolutely necessary and, if possible, the amount of antibiotics taken should be limited. However, in clinical practice, it is not always the case that using just one antibiotic will eliminate the infection. Sometimes, a combination of two or three different antibiotics is needed to effectively treat the condition. Antibiotic combination therapy is necessary in certain clinical situations
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What is Erdosteine 300mg?
Erdosteine 300mg is used to treat acute cough symptoms in chronic bronchitis due to its mucolytic effect, which helps patients cough more easily. So, what is Erdosteine 300mg and how is it used?
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How to treat sore throat and long-term dry cough?
Sore throat is the leading cause of cough. Long-term cough and sore throat cause discomfort, affecting health and quality of life if not treated completely
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What should children with tonsillitis eat?
Tonsillitis is a common disease in young children, causing pain and difficulty in eating. This leads to children losing their appetite, losing their appetite and not eating well. So what should children with tonsillitis eat to recover quickly and regain their health? Reading the following article will help parents find the answer.
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Is it better for newborns to lie under a fan or an air conditioner?
When the weather starts to change to summer, many parents wonder whether it is better for newborns to lie under a fan or an air conditioner? Follow the next article to get the most accurate answer.
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Should you take a bath if you have a cold?
It is assumed that you should not take a bath when you have a cold to avoid getting worse. However, many researches have shown that bathing properly or bathing with essential oils is an effective way to eliminate toxins and reduce symptoms of the cold.
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What foods should people with a cough avoid?
Cough is a common respiratory symptom experienced by people of all ages. The times when respiratory illnesses causing cough are most likely to occur are during weather changes, such as from hot to cold or from rainy to sunny conditions. Persistent, prolonged coughing can be very uncomfortable, prompting sufferers to seek remedies to alleviate it. So, what foods should be avoided when you have a cough?
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How to treat phlegm in adults
Phlegm is mucus produced by the respiratory system due to factors such as climate, a weakened immune system, and genetics. Understanding effective methods to clear phlegm can help you easily expel it from your throat. Let's learn about ways to clear phlegm for adults in the article below.
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