What are the uses of Klamentin 250mg?

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Klamentin 250 is a pharmaceutical drug used in the treatment of many diseases such as respiratory tract, urinary tract, bone or soft tissue. To ensure the safety and effectiveness of treatment, patients need to use it correctly, at the right dose.

1. What is klamentin 250mg?

Klamentin 250 is made up of 2 main ingredients: Amoxicillin and Clavulanic Acid. In particular, Amoxicillin is a synthetic antibiotic, capable of killing harmful bacteria in the body. In addition, this is also a substance easily degraded by beta - lactamase. In contrast, Clavulanic Acid has the effect of inhibiting the growth and attack of beta - lactamase. It is thanks to this combination that creates a drug Klamentin 250 with strong bactericidal ability that is not affected by the destruction of beta - lactamase.

2. What disease does Klamentin 250 treat?

Klamentin 250gr can be used to treat urogenital tract diseases, upper and lower respiratory infections, skin or bone diseases.
Upper respiratory tract diseases: Ear, nose and throat diseases such as tonsillitis, otitis media, sinusitis...; Lower respiratory tract diseases such as bronchitis, lobar pneumonia, bronchial pneumonia...; Gastrointestinal diseases such as typhoid fever...; Urinary tract disease: Nephritis, gonorrhea, obstetric infection, bacteremia or even meningitis; Skin and soft tissue infections such as boils, abscesses, and intra-abdominal infections. Subjects should not use Klamentin 250:
People with a history of allergies, hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in the drug; Patients with liver and kidney failure; Cases of jaundice, liver dysfunction; Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 40 kg need a doctor's prescription before use.

Thuốc Klamentin 250 được sử dụng trong điều trị một số bệnh lý viêm nhiễm
Thuốc Klamentin 250 được sử dụng trong điều trị một số bệnh lý viêm nhiễm

3. Notes to know when using Klamenin 250?

Normally with children under 10 years old can use from 125mg to 250mg each time, must be at least 8 hours apart to use the next dose. For children under 20kg, the amount of medicine used in a day can be calculated by calculating from 20mg-40mg/kg. For adults can take up to 500mg in a day.
There are cases where the amount of medicine is higher, short or long time, an additional 3g can be used to repeat after 8 hours. Or when treating the urinary tract, it will be used more after 10 to 12 hours. Patients with a history of endocarditis should use 3g of the drug 1 hour before the procedure.
Children from 3 years old to 10 years old to treat otitis media can use up to 750mg Klamenin 250 / time and 2 times a day. But this is only a short-term dose for up to 2 days.
Both Amoxicillin and Clavulanic Acid can be readily absorbed orally. Medicinal herbs will be most effective after 1 to 2 hours of use. In order that the absorption of the drug is not affected by food, it is recommended to take Klamenin 250 before meals.
There are many possible modulations of Klamenin. Usually will be used in powder form, when used, need to mix with about 5m-10ml for a pack of medicine. When used with children under 6 months of age, it is recommended to use Amoxicillin in liquid form.
Usually the time to use a course of Klamenin 250mg will be from 5 to 10 days. Do not use continuously for more than 14 days, need to be re-examined if the condition does not improve.
When using Klamenin overdose, you need to go to the medical center immediately. Although it is quite rare to be dangerous because the drug can be tolerated in the body, there is an increased risk of hyperkalemia in patients with hypersensitivity. In particular, if you miss a dose, do not take a double dose on the next dose. More medication will be added as soon as it is remembered, but if it is too close to the next dose, skip it and continue as scheduled.
Klamenin is also a drug that does not cause distraction or drowsiness. Can be used for people who need to focus on work such as driving, working in an office or studying for exams.

Thuốc Klamentin 250mg cần được sử dụng theo đúng hướng dẫn của bác sĩ chuyên khoa
Thuốc Klamentin 250mg cần được sử dụng theo đúng hướng dẫn của bác sĩ chuyên khoa

4. Possible side effects

When using Klamenin can occur quite a lot of side effects in different parts. But almost all of them are mild and temporary. If you experience the following side effects, you should immediately stop using the drug and go to a medical facility to consult a doctor for appropriate treatment:
Skin: Rash, urticaria, itching, skin toxicity , dermatitis, exfoliative, systemic pustulosis; Gastrointestinal tract: Nausea, diarrhea, enteritis, colitis; Liver: Hepatitis, jaundice due to beta-lactamase; Blood: Decreased white blood cells and platelets, anemia, longer clotting time; Nervous system: Dizziness, hyperactivity, convulsions. In summary, Klamentin 250 has a strong bactericidal ability that is not affected by the destruction of beta - lactamase. This is a prescription drug, so the patient should consult the doctor on how to take the right dose.

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