Scents that are harmful to health

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Some scents such as artificial scents can be harmful to human health, especially children. Some effects of scent are not good for health such as headaches, nausea and also increase the risk of dangerous diseases such as cancer.

1. What scents are harmful to health? A product with fragrance makes us all love it, especially women will prefer things with fragrance. However, if we use improperly or abuse things that bring aroma, we have inadvertently harmed our health. Some scents that can be harmful to health include:
1.1. Fake Essential Oil Essential oil is a product extracted from herbs that is loved by many people. Essential oils are also used in aromatherapy for people suffering from anxiety disorders, insomnia, depression... with high efficiency. In addition, some essential oils are also used in the cosmetic industry and are also used to repel insects such as mosquitoes, helping to prevent diseases transmitted by intermediate hosts.
If you use pure essential oils of herbal origin, it is relatively safe. However, it is still necessary to note the correct dosage and some essential oils cannot be taken because of toxicity such as lavender essential oil... In addition, even though it is natural, it can still cause skin irritation or irritation. Respiratory tract for some people is sensitive, so it is necessary to use a little in advance to know if you are allergic to that essential oil.
Pure essential oils have a high price because to extract an amount of essential oil from herbs, a large number of raw materials are needed, depending on the type, the amount of essential oil extracted is different. Therefore, manufacturers have mixed synthetic materials to reduce the cost of essential oils. These synthetic chemical materials are harmful to the body if used for a long time, it can cause brain damage, headaches, blurred vision, increased risk of cancer, infertility...

1.2. Perfume Perfume is very widely used and loved by many people, especially women. However, few people notice that regular use of it can be harmful to the body.
The main ingredients of perfume are synthetic chemicals and only a few in the composition of perfumes come from the scent of flowers. According to a study, it was found that most perfumes have artificial chemicals called Diethylphthalate (DEP), which belongs to the group of phthalate esters, also known as fragrance agents. This chemical can damage sperm DNA, increase the risk of skin diseases and affect breathing ability.
When inhaling the scent from perfume too much can also cause problems such as dizziness, headache, nausea, hallucinations...
1.3. Scented candles Scented candles can both bring to a space with light and fragrance suitable for a romantic space, so it is popular with many people.
However, few people know that the actual scent from candles contains many harmful chemicals such as paraffin, carbon monoxide (CO), lead, toluene, acetone, formaldehyde, benzene derivatives... these substances can cause cancer, birth defects for children if used by pregnant women, infertility, nervous system damage... In addition, scented candles when burned will produce substances that affect air quality, increasing air quality. Five muscles sinusitis, headache, stuffy nose, itchy throat, sore eyes, affects pregnant women, causes amnesia,...
1.4. Scented incense A lot of people like to smell the scent, because today it is made with many different scents such as frankincense, cinnamon...can stay for a long time in the room. But is the scent toxic? The answer is yes. Incense or incense when burned can produce substances such as C0, C02, S02, benzene... these compounds can cause symptoms of shortness of breath, nausea, decreased concentration, increased risk of heart disease respiratory circuit...
By the production of incense, people have used cheap chemicals to impregnated the incense, thereby increasing the risk of diseases of consumers.

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1.5. Deodorant products Most of today's fragrances and deodorants are derived from petroleum and are composed of a benzene ring or called an aromatic ring, this aromatic ring, when dispersed, is capable of damaging cell structures. , increase the risk of cancer.
Products containing volatile organic substances including harmful chemicals such as: Formaldehyde, oils, limonene, esters and alcohol... Chemicals can pass through the respiratory tract into the body causing difficulty breathing, respiratory inflammation and these deodorants can also affect the skin causing dermatitis, eye irritation...
1.6. Moth The main ingredient in mothballs is camphor, this substance is very toxic, so it can only be used externally. If inhaled too much can also lead to headache, dizziness, if the scent is more fragrant, the more dangerous it can be an asthma trigger. For children, mothballs are very easy to cause acute poisoning, cause red blood cell rupture, anemia, liver necrosis, nerve damage, and more dangerous for infants, it can cause spasms. fatal acute airway.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified mothballs as having a low level of carcinogenicity to humans and on the list of fragrances that are hazardous to health. Therefore, it is not recommended to use mothballs because of the dangers to human health.
1.7. Fragrance from books and toys School supplies and scented toys often use industrial chemicals. Fragrance substances from these products can have a negative effect on children's health, especially when children are interested in having
In particular, many children show interest that they can inhale continuously or sometimes give food. play in the mouth to gnaw. Continuous inhalation can be toxic to nerves, causing headaches, dizziness, poor concentration, affecting the nervous system, causing fatigue... Especially for babies, allergic to scents, Inhaling these fragrances can cause death due to acute airway constriction.

1.8. The aroma of shisha shisha Shisha is an Indian pipe tobacco, smoked by a pitcher, with various fruity aromas. However, the level of danger from the aroma of hookah to health is very large.
According to the report of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Cancer Society, the amount of smoke smoked by smoking shisha in 1 hour is equal to the amount of toxic smoke when smoking 100 cigarettes. The aroma from shisha smoke can cause cardiovascular diseases, increase the risk of lung cancer, oral cancer, respiratory diseases, strong hallucinogens, allergic diseases, herpes, sore throat, asphyxiation. breathing, respiratory failure, affecting the nervous system...
1.9. Fabric softener scent Fabric softener scent is mostly made up of substances that contain benzene rings. These aromatic rings, when dispersed, can enter the body through the respiratory tract into the body, causing difficulty breathing, inflammation of the airways, triggering asthma attacks, and have the ability to break cell structures, increasing the risk of cancer. , causing hormonal disturbances...
1.10. Scented Wax Roses Scented wax roses with eye-catching, long-lasting fragrance originate from China. It is actually produced from artificial flavorings using industrial chemicals such as aldehydes, acetone, limonene, esters. headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, trigger asthma attacks, endocrine disruptors, eye allergies.

Mùi thơm của khói shisha gây hại cho sức khỏe
Mùi thơm của khói shisha gây hại cho sức khỏe

1.11. The scent of mosquito spray Mosquito spray will cause respiratory disorders when we inhale it, especially mosquito sprays containing DEET. Mosquito spray is also easily absorbed through the skin, enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body, destroying internal organs as well as other important body organs such as kidneys, brain...
Children and infants are who are most vulnerable to these mosquito spray products. Because they have an underdeveloped nervous system, they are susceptible to brain damage if exposed to mosquito spray. It can cause movement disorders and inability to concentrate in children even fatal if used improperly or affects the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system...
2 How to limit the impact of fragrance on the body? Choosing fragrance-free products is the best option to avoid receiving harmful effects from them. You should carefully read the ingredients of the products you choose to use, especially for babies and children, to avoid unhealthy scents. Choose to buy at trusted addresses. Especially when choosing essential oils to use as an aromatherapy, you should choose pure essential oils, although they have a higher price, but limit the risk of harm to the body. In addition, the use of pure essential oils should also be noted that they should not be used for more than 60 minutes and should not be used too much at one time. If you absolutely must use perfume, you should only use it when needed and use it in a moderate amount, do not spray too much. It is important to always read ingredients carefully and choose reputable manufacturers to minimize the risk of harm to health. The above are scents that can be harmful to the body, you need to avoid or pay special attention to when using. Scents can also be toxic to the body, including all-natural ones if we use them incorrectly. That's why it's so important to use it properly.

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