Instructions for booking an appointment at the Breast Screening Center at Vinmec Times City

Vinmec would like to thank you for always trusting and using the medical examination service in general and the breast specialist examination in particular. To ensure that you have the best service experience, Vinmec Times City International Hospital encourages you to contact and book an appointment in advance to avoid long waiting times.

Customers wishing to be screened for breast cancer and benign breast disease at Vinmec can contact to book an appointment through the following channels:

1. Make an appointment via call center

By contacting for advice or booking an appointment through the switchboard number, you can call the number:

  • Call Center of Vinmec Times City International Hospital: Hotline: 0243,974.3556
  • Call center of Breast Screening Center: Hotline 0901.704.068

2. Online appointment booking

Please visit the website and book an appointment according to the instructions HERE.


  • You should arrive 10-15 minutes earlier than your appointment time to be welcomed and well prepared for the examination process to take place in your favor;
  • If you arrive later than the scheduled time, you may have to wait for the medical staff to arrange the service schedule for you. In case you cannot arrive on time, you can notify the hospital through the Appointment Call Center to arrange a suitable schedule.
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