Prevent your baby from getting sick when the seasons change

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The article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor I Bui Thi Ha - Pediatrician - Neonatologist - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
At the time of the change of seasons, especially in the autumn, epidemics of influenza, diarrhea, dengue fever, and respiratory infections in children... broke out, causing many parents worry. Therefore, parents need to equip themselves with knowledge and proper preventive measures for children.

1. Some common diseases in children at the change of season

1.1. Colds and flu Seasonal changes are when young children are susceptible to colds and flu due to their immature immune systems. Influenza in young children can have the following manifestations: children with fever during the change of seasons, stuffy nose, cough, sore throat, sneezing, body aches...
To prevent colds for children, parents can Protect children through the following ways:
Keep children warm when it is cold, especially in important positions such as chest, neck, head, hands and feet. Limit your child's contact with many people, especially those with flu symptoms. Give children warm water to drink, avoid eating foods taken directly from the refrigerator, cold foods such as ice cream, ice, etc. Enhance nutrition and vitamin C, drink plenty of water to increase strength resistance . For children over 6 months old, the flu vaccine can be given to them once a year. 1.2. Typhus Typhus is usually caused by the measles virus or the rubella virus. The disease is transmitted by inhalation and manifests as: fatigue, headache, sore throat, runny nose, eye conjunctivitis, irritation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, small petechiae may appear. In the neck area, behind the ears of the child, there will appear two swollen and painful lymph nodes. Children's skin will appear tiny red spots on the face and then spread quickly to the whole body and limbs. Children have fever when changing seasons, red rashes all over the body, concentrated on the trunk and extremities.
To prevent typhus for children, parents should take their children to be vaccinated against Measles and Rubella according to the National Expanded Immunization Program.
1.3. Ear infections Ear infections are more likely to occur in winter than in any other season. Changes in climate, especially when the weather is colder, will increase the risk of children developing acute ear infections. Children will experience ear pain, difficulty hearing, discharge from the ear, high fever, and even nausea.

Khi giao mùa, trẻ có thể bị viêm tai
Khi giao mùa, trẻ có thể bị viêm tai
To prevent children from getting otitis media, parents should keep children away from polluted, smoke-filled environments. Keep children warm in cold winter, limit children's contact with sick children. Put the baby to sit when feeding, avoid sucking the bottle when sleeping to avoid milk flowing into the ear causing infection.
In addition, it is also necessary to keep children's hygiene, especially hands, nose, and throat. If the child's ear gets wet, it is necessary to use a cotton swab soaked in physiological saline to clean the child's ears and nose, then use a clean cotton swab to dry the ear to avoid the long-term accumulation of water that will cause infection.
1.4. When the weather gradually changes, viruses easily enter the body and affect the child's incomplete resistance system, especially the respiratory system, leading to bronchitis and pneumonia. , respiratory infections in children.
The disease is usually transmitted by mouth, saliva, hand contact and eating utensils. Children may have sudden high fever, headache, chills, body aches, sore throat, cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, mild diarrhea...
Due to external agents such as lips environment, climate, weather, low community immunity or bad factors from smoke, pollution... Moreover, young children have poor immune systems and ability to adapt to the weather, so when the seasons change, it's hot. erratic cold will easily get sick and suffer from diseases mainly in the respiratory tract.
Ways for parents to prevent respiratory infections in children:
Regularly instruct children to wash their hands with soap. Keep the body warm, wear a mask for children when going out, limit bringing children to crowded places as well as do not expose children to cigarette smoke. Supplement nutrients, minerals, vitamins for children. Limit children's swimming in crowded public swimming pools or water amusement parks.
1.5. Dengue fever Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease that occurs not only at the time of season change but also all year round. Children will have a sudden and continuous high fever (39-40 degrees Celsius) within 2-4 days, even signs of bleeding under the skin, in the oral mucosa, blood in the urine ... If the father Parents who suspect that their child has dengue fever should take the child to medical facilities for timely examination and treatment to avoid unwanted complications.
If possible, parents should actively prevent dengue fever for children through the following ways:
Let children wear long-sleeved clothes, sleep under mosquito nets to limit mosquito bites. Do not let children live in a dimly lit, humid environment to avoid breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Cover jars, jars, jars, lakes and water tanks to prevent mosquito breeding. Weekly should be cleaned and scrubbed with a brush to prevent mosquito eggs from falling off. Clean the house and keep the living environment neat and clean, do not hang clothes as a place for mosquitoes to live, remove objects containing standing water (coconut shells, cans, empty cans, cups, broken bottles). , tires...). Change the water in the vase every day. 1.6. Bronchiolitis Bronchiolitis is a swelling and accumulation of mucus in the airways of the lungs that usually occurs in the fall and winter mainly in children under 2 years of age. The disease is caused by respiratory syncytial virus (VRS) that is spread from person to person through direct contact with the nose and throat secretions of an infected person. Parents should not be subjective when they see that their children have signs such as cough, wheezing, rapid breathing, clear runny nose, fever when changing seasons. When the child has severe signs such as difficulty breathing, less feeding, cyanosis, complications, the child should be hospitalized for treatment.
If you have bronchiolitis, the disease is often more advanced, prone to respiratory failure, otitis media, or persistent and recurrent asthma.
How to prevent bronchiolitis for children:
Wash hands thoroughly with soap before taking care of children, do not hug and kiss children. If the child has a runny nose, regularly suck and wash the nose with physiological saline to prevent the virus from entering the bronchi. Do not allow children to approach people who have a runny nose or share personal items with other children.

Viêm tiểu phế quản cũng là bệnh trẻ thường gặp khi giao mùa
Viêm tiểu phế quản cũng là bệnh trẻ thường gặp khi giao mùa

2. How to limit your baby's illness when changing seasons?

To help children prevent respiratory diseases during the change of seasons, parents need to pay attention from eating, wearing, playing, and even sleeping. Limit giving your child cold foods, especially cold drinks. When the weather turns cold, it is necessary to keep the baby warm even inside the house. In daily activities, if children wet their clothes, they need to be taken to change immediately, do not let them play in the water to avoid catching a cold. When bathing a child, use warm water and bathe in a well-ventilated room. After bathing, it is necessary to wipe and dress quickly and dry the body. Do not allow drafts to enter the children's classrooms, bedrooms and playrooms.
Every day, parents should teach children the habit of keeping their teeth clean, gargling with sterile physiological saline, washing hands with soap daily. Children need to eat enough nutrients, eat more fruits, foods rich in vitamins to have enough micronutrients needed to create antibodies.
Avoid letting children come into contact with people who are showing signs of infectious diseases such as flu, diarrhea, measles, respiratory disease,... Parents should take the initiative to take their children to be vaccinated with full vaccines on time. to strengthen the immune system. If the child shows signs of an infectious disease, it should be taken to a medical facility for examination and treatment promptly.
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