Pregnant with twins how to gain weight?

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The article was professionally consulted with Master, Doctor Nguyen Van Thanh - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
If the mother does not gain enough weight during pregnancy, there is a risk of having a low birth weight baby. These children are at increased risk of developing health problems.

1. Why do pregnant women need to gain weight during pregnancy?

A baby's health and birth weight have a lot to do with how much weight the mother gains during pregnancy. Babies grow rapidly in utero and from the 26th week of pregnancy onwards, a fetus gains about 30g of weight per day. So babies need a lot of energy and this is why it is important to gain weight during pregnancy.

2. How to gain weight during pregnancy with twins?

With twins, pregnant women with twins need to gain a lot of weight because they have two babies, two placentas, and more amniotic fluid. Pregnant women also need more calories to carry twins.
Therefore, the average weight gain for a single pregnancy is 11.5 kg and the weight gain for a twin pregnancy is 16-20.5 kg. Mothers carrying twins should not gain more than 21 kg or less than 7 kg.

3. What should you pay attention to during pregnancy with twins?

Rest and get enough sleep

Nghỉ ngơi và ngủ đủ giấc đảm bảo sức khỏe tốt
Nghỉ ngơi và ngủ đủ giấc đảm bảo sức khỏe tốt
Get enough rest and sleep to ensure good health. Pregnant with twins, which means that the body is working twice as much as a normal pregnant woman to nourish and help the fetus develop completely. Pregnant women will feel more tired and exhausted than other pregnant women, so try to rest by lying with your head on the pillow, close your eyes, relax and listen to soothing music. Do not try to work too hard because it will have a bad effect not only on yourself, but also on the babies in the belly.
Do not let the body become dehydrated Water plays a very important role in the health of both mother and baby, especially for pregnant women with twins. Drinking enough 3 liters of water a day during pregnancy will help increase the amount of amniotic fluid around the fetus; help pregnant women urinate regularly thereby reducing the risk of urinary tract infections; ensure the increased blood demand in the mother's body and avoid dehydration when the mother sweats too much. The most effective way to drink is to drink 1 glass of filtered or boiled water every 2 hours, drink it 7-8 times a day. At the same time, you can drink more boiled vegetable juice, broth, unsweetened fruit juice, low-fat milk ....
Need more nutrition To ensure the best development of both fetuses in the abdomen, the person who Mothers need to gain from 16 to 20.5 kg during pregnancy. It is equivalent to a pregnant woman with twins must consume twice as much energy as a pregnant woman with a single pregnancy, ie 600 calories / day. If you eat too little, do not absorb enough nutrients and energy, it means that pregnant women are "bet" with the health and lives of the babies.
Careful monitoring of pregnancy is necessary. Pregnant women with twins need to be closely monitored for pregnancy at reputable hospitals or maternity clinics. Therefore, mothers should remember to have antenatal check-ups according to the doctor's appointment and go to the hospital immediately if they notice any problems during pregnancy because the risk of miscarriage or premature birth with a mother carrying twins will be higher. a lot of.
Vaginal bleeding is more likely Vaginal bleeding is not normal, especially during the first 3 months of pregnancy. This is considered one of the signs of a threatened miscarriage, miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. However, vaginal bleeding is very common during pregnancy with twins. When seeing bleeding with symptoms of contractions, blood clots, the mother needs to go to the hospital immediately to check the pregnancy.
High risk of gestational diabetes

Nguy cơ tiểu đường thai kỳ cao khi mang thai
Nguy cơ tiểu đường thai kỳ cao khi mang thai
The risk of gestational diabetes is high during pregnancy. For mothers carrying twins, the risk of gestational diabetes is much higher than for mothers with singletons. Because when pregnant with twins, pregnant women will have to supplement a lot and gain a lot of weight. Then the risk of cesarean section will also be higher.
Higher risk of preeclampsia Preeclampsia begins with high blood pressure and protein in the urine. The manifestation of this disease is swelling of the feet, hands and face. Preeclampsia is extremely dangerous and for women carrying twins, the risk will be much higher.
Labor will come sooner Most mothers of twins usually give birth at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy and very rarely can wait until week 40. In fact, if twins are born after 34 weeks of pregnancy. are safe under the care of obstetricians. Twins are also often at risk for respiratory problems because they are born earlier than their due date. Babies are also often lighter than babies born vaginally. Even if a mother carrying twins has a healthy pregnancy, preventing premature birth is impossible. This is a risk that mothers of twins must accept.
Caesarean section is common The probability of having to have a cesarean section for mothers carrying twins accounts for 80%. In addition, women also need to know that the rate of contralateral pregnancy in twins is very common. Therefore, in the last weeks of pregnancy, women should have regular antenatal check-ups to choose the safest method of childbirth.

4. Taking care of pregnant women with twins

provide enough nutrients for both mother and child and ensure that the mother gains enough weight for the baby to develop well.
Mothers carrying twins should increase about 600 Calories per day. Eat according to your needs and should be divided into many small meals a day if possible and to have a diet that is both quality and ensures the necessary energy source, pregnant women need to meet the following principles:
Energy Protein intake (lean meat, beef, pork, chicken, eggs, dairy): High protein intake may help prevent preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and premature birth (all of which are more common when multiple pregnancy). Protein is also needed to strengthen uterine muscle fiber and promote the blood volume needed to nourish the fetus. Four servings of protein and four servings of dairy foods – according to the recommended multi-pregnancy diet – will help you get 80g-100g of protein per day. Lots of vegetables and fruits: The developing baby needs micronutrients (such as folic acid, iron, vitamins) and fiber as well. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables every day can reduce or avoid constipation (and its consequences - hemorrhoids).
Pregnant with twins how to gain weight?
Iron supplements: Iron helps the body produce blood cells and prevents anemia, a common problem with twins. Anemia can cause appetite to drop and fatigue to increase as well as reduce the amount of oxygen that is transported to organs and the developing baby. Foods like red meat and dried fruit are excellent sources of iron. Pregnant women supplement 30-60mg of iron per day throughout pregnancy. Iron supplements can cause constipation or nausea, so try to take them with meals.
Stay hydrated: Dehydration can lead to premature birth and especially, mothers carrying multiples are at a higher risk of experiencing this condition. Magnesium supplements: Magnesium helps build and strengthen the body's tissues, and regulates insulin and blood sugar levels, helping to build baby's bones and teeth. Maintaining adequate magnesium levels during pregnancy can help keep the uterus from contracting too early, which inevitably happens with multiples. The best food sources are whole grains, green vegetables, nuts, meat, milk, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, wheat germ; pasta with spinach; almond; tofu, yogurt.

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