What to do after giving birth with perineal tear?

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Hello doctor! I gave birth to 3 babies and all gave birth normally, the youngest was 14 months old, but now I have signs of an perineal tear, a deep tear near the anus. So the doctor asked me: "What should I do after giving birth with a perineal tear?" Thanks for the advice doctor!
Nguyen Thi Thom (1986)
Hello! Women giving birth often not only face labor pains but also face the risk of having to make an episiotomy to bring the baby out. It is quite common to have a tear or opening in the birth canal (the area between the vagina and anus), due to the compression of the baby's head when trying to come out. According to statistics, up to 50% of women who give birth often have an episiotomy with a small hole after birth, the risk of tearing or opening can happen to women who give birth naturally.
Postpartum stitches, if torn or open, will be divided into 4 types, specifically:
1st degree tear (only the skin is torn); 2nd degree tear (tear both the skin and the muscle part of the vagina); Grade 3 tear (tearing close to the rectum and affecting vaginal tissues, skin, and perineal muscles); Grade 4 tear (at this time the postpartum suture is torn and cut into the muscles of the anal sphincter). If you take good care of your perineal stitches and get proper rest, there is less risk of complications after giving birth. The stitches will heal on their own within 2 to 3 weeks and stabilize, regaining sensation after about 1 month. In fact, not all women who give birth vaginally are comfortable in the healing process of postpartum sutures. Many cases will be torn, open and the cause of this condition is due to many reasons such as: The process of cleaning the intimate area, the perineum is not guaranteed, making it difficult for the wound to recover; the new tissues in the perineum are weak after suturing, so they are easily injured and cause the sutures to be loose and broken; living habits of the mother (usually sitting sideways, holding the baby in the wrong position, having to walk a lot...). Postpartum stitches, if open or torn without early detection by the mother, will increase the risk of infection and directly affect the health recovery process, causing pain and leaving scars that are very unsightly.
Today, along with the development of plastic surgery, the quality of life is increasing, the post-partum episiotomy is getting more and more attention. As in your case, you should not be too worried but find yourself a reputable medical facility to receive the best advice from doctors.
Hope the doctor's sharing will help you answer the question "What to do after giving birth with a perineal tear? If you still have questions about treatment methods, you can go to a hospital under Vinmec Health System for more in-depth advice. Best regards!
Answered by Specialist I Pham Thi Yen - Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital
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