Physical activity is the best way to strengthen the immune system

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Posted by Doctor Pham Tuyet Trinh - Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital.

Most of us live without paying attention to our immune system. We always believe that our immune system works well to protect us from infections, from malignancies such as cancer... Now it is necessary to change this concept, because the immune system has a vital role to play. head to keep us away from Covid 19.

1. Physical activity helps strengthen the immune system

There are several ways to help strengthen the immune system: Good nutrition is often the first choice, but it is not the only way to make a difference. Many people think that just eating well will boost immunity and use that as an excuse to justify being inactive. But physical activity is a very important measure, especially in a time when social distancing is essential to prevent the spread of the epidemic.
With a moderate level of activity: walking briskly in permitted, safe and safe areas with a distance of 2m per person, or walking on an indoor exercise machine, each step of the body's immune system walks. you are enhanced, the activity against bacteria is also improved by the "natural killer cells". With each measure of physical activity, the immune system also releases a number of antibodies, anti-inflammatory cytokines, which help the body clear "attackers". Over time, temporary boosts turn into permanent improvements in the immune system and help maintain a regular exercise routine, so physical activity is key to strengthening your immune system. immune system.
Research has found that, for intense sports activities, lasting more than 60 minutes can increase levels of stress hormones that can lower the immune system, but this does not happen for activity. moderate level and duration less than 60 minutes.

Đi bộ nhanh giúp tăng cường hệ miễn dịch
Đi bộ nhanh giúp tăng cường hệ miễn dịch

2. Create a habit of physical activity every day

To create a habit of daily practice with people who sit a lot, you should learn with activities like a child starting to walk and gradually increase the intensity and time to make you feel comfortable and comfortable. For those who have experience in sports, it is advisable to choose a moderate exercise at home: lifting small weights, training with home equipment, training with online instructions of experts on the internet. You can arrange and take the initiative in time to perform and gradually increase the level that is suitable for your strength.

Đồng thời, duy trì chế độ ăn uống lành mạn để hệ miễn dịch của bạn được tăng cường tốt.
Đồng thời, duy trì chế độ ăn uống lành mạn để hệ miễn dịch của bạn được tăng cường tốt.

To do a good job of practicing the habit of physical activity to strengthen the immune system, it should be combined with a healthy diet: lots of vegetables, enough nutrients, two to three fruits a day, drink enough water, Get enough sleep 6-8 hours/day. Sports activities with deep breathing exercises also help you very effectively reduce stress and tension. It's a good idea to create a workout plan like your daily commute to keep your habits well-maintained and your immune system boosted.
By: Michael W. Smith MD editor-in-chief of WebMD. Coach of the American Gymnastics Council.
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