Over 30 years old: 50% have breast disease, 70% have thyroid disease

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This is the examination result that has been recognized by the doctors of Breast Center & Thyroid Pathology Center, Vinmec Times City International Hospital after a series of free screening programs for breast and thyroid diseases for patients. people from the beginning of the year to August 2022.
Among 400 male and female customers who were screened in the event "Screening day for breast disease - thyroid disease" taking place in Hanoi on August 14, 2022:
50% had breast disease 28% needed to be screened. Interventional aspiration cytology, biopsy to diagnose 13 highly suspected cases of cancer requiring intensive intervention This statistic is similar to the results of screening nearly 250 people of different ages by the Breast Center, Disease Vinmec Times City International General Hospital held earlier on May 7, 2022. The results also showed that: 49.2% of the patients examined had breast diseases.
During the examination on August 14, 2022, the number of people found to have thyroid diseases was also very high
70% had thyroid disease 20% of customers needed aspiration cytology, biopsy to diagnose 20 People with high suspicion of thyroid cancer need intensive intervention

Tỷ lệ bệnh nhân mắc bệnh vú và tuyến giáp ngày càng tăng cao
Tỷ lệ bệnh nhân mắc bệnh vú và tuyến giáp ngày càng tăng cao
“About 5-6% of screening clients have precancerous symptoms – when detected in a treatable precancerous stage, the risk of cancer is eliminated. The rate of disease detection through screening examination closely reflects the current health status of people over 30 years old in Vietnam today. That shows that breast diseases & thyroid diseases are now very common and there is a high risk of turning into cancer if not screened and detected early” - Dr. BS Nguyen Thu Huong, Head of Breast Unit, Disease Vinmec Times City Institute commented after the screening program.
“50% have breast disease, 70% have thyroid disease – so a person can completely have 2 breast diseases and thyroid disease at the same time. Breast cancer and thyroid cancer are two cancers in the superficial organs and are related to each other. Once you have breast cancer, you should be screened for thyroid cancer and vice versa,” said Dr. II Le Thi My, director of the Thyroid Pathology Center, Vinmec Times International General Hospital.

Khi đã mắc ung thư tuyến vú thì nên đi sàng lọc ung thư tuyến giáp
Khi đã mắc ung thư tuyến vú thì nên đi sàng lọc ung thư tuyến giáp

Within the framework of the screening program for breast disease and thyroid disease, doctors have organized seminars and guided self-examination to raise public awareness about the two cancers in the Top 10 most common cancers. most common in Vietnam. The information shared from the seminar also surprised many attendees, especially male customers.
“Breast cancer and thyroid cancer, although seen in women with a higher rate, must be men without breast cancer. Statistics show that 1% of men have breast cancer. and is usually detected at a late stage. Because men are often quite subjective, considering breast disease & thyroid disease only in women.” When men have large breasts, they also need to be concerned. Many elderly people, men, and teenagers at the age of starting puberty have symptoms of big breasts, causing pain, swelling and heat," said Dr. BS Nguyen Thu Huong at the seminar.
“Early detection of breast cancer and thyroid cancer can help patients cure and preserve the function of these organs. Therefore, Vinmec Times City Hospital will regularly organize free screening sessions for people to spread the awareness of proactively screening periodically for cancer in the community. This is one of the activities in the very meaningful project "Raising public awareness, repelling breast cancer" that Vinmec Times City is implementing - Dr. Dinh Thuy Duong, Director of Vinmec Times City Hospital shared.

TS Đinh Thùy Dương, GĐ Bệnh viện Vinmec Times City chia sẻ sự quan tâm của Vinmec đối với hoạt động sàng lọc phát hiện sớm ung thư cho người dân
TS Đinh Thùy Dương, GĐ Bệnh viện Vinmec Times City chia sẻ sự quan tâm của Vinmec đối với hoạt động sàng lọc phát hiện sớm ung thư cho người dân

It is known that the next breast and thyroid disease screening program at Vinmec Times City Hospital is expected to be held at the end of October 2022. Customers participating in these screening programs if they detect a disease have been actively scheduled for follow-up or treatment and intervention with a support level of 10-20% of the cost of X-rays and other online interventions. breast, thyroid if necessary.
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