Nutritional value of pumpkin seeds

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Pumpkin seeds are small, but packed with valuable nutrients. A small serving of pumpkin seeds can provide you with significant amounts of fat, magnesium, and zinc. Thanks to these nutritional components, pumpkin seeds bring a lot of health benefits. Highlights include heart health, prostate health, and cancer prevention.

1. Why hybrid pumpkin seeds are good for health?

Pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium and other nutrients that promote heart and bone health and support other body functions. Pumpkin seeds in particular or nuts in general are considered to be very rich sources of potassium, magnesium and calcium. Plant seeds are also a good source of unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants.
Pumpkin seeds are also high in fatty acids that provide many beneficial nutrients, such as sterols, squalene and tocopherols. Scientists have studied and proven that the fatty acids of nuts, grains and legumes are completely healthy.

2. Strengthening of the skeletal system

Pumpkin seeds are a good source of magnesium, which is important for bone formation. High magnesium intake promotes better bone density and also reduces the risk of osteoporosis in women after menopause.

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Hình ảnh hạt bí ngô

3. Good for diabetes

The nutrients in pumpkin seeds may help protect against type 2 diabetes. Oxidative free radicals play a role in the progression of diabetes and the antioxidants present in pumpkin seeds help reduce this risk.
In a laboratory study, diabetic rats recovered better after being fed a diet supplemented with flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds.

4. A good source of magnesium

Studies have shown that if you increase your magnesium intake by 100 milligrams per day, your risk of developing type 2 diabetes decreases by 15%. A serving of 100 grams (g) of pumpkin seeds can contain more than 90 milligrams of magnesium. Low magnesium levels can reduce insulin secretion and decrease insulin sensitivity.

5. Good for heart health

Pumpkin seeds help improve blood lipid problems due to their high magnesium content. Research has shown that when patients are supplemented with 365 milligrams of magnesium per day, there are benefits to heart health.

Sử dụng hạt bí khoa học sẽ có lợi cho sức khỏe tim mạch
Sử dụng hạt bí khoa học sẽ có lợi cho sức khỏe tim mạch

6. Good for heart and liver health

Nuts contain healthy oils, and are also good for the heart, liver and cardiovascular system. More specifically, pumpkin seeds contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber. This combination has benefits for both the heart and the liver.
The fiber in pumpkin seeds helps to lower total blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Research to date shows that if you eat foods rich in omega-3s, you can:
Reduce your risk of blood clots and arrhythmias, which lead to heart attack, stroke, and sudden cardiac death Reduce levels of LDL, total cholesterol portion and triglycerides Reduces atherosclerosis, fatty accumulation on artery walls Improves endothelial function, a measure of circulatory health Improves low blood pressure Pumpkin seeds have been found to contain sterols. In one study, scientists found that 100g of pumpkin seeds provided 265 mg of total sterols. Plant sterols and phytosterols are two substances that help lower levels of bad cholesterol (LDL).
In clinical trial studies in 2013, scientists demonstrated that the variety of nutrients found in plant seeds promotes heart health and helps prevent vascular disease. coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Another study conducted in rodents concluded that a combination of flaxseed and pumpkin seeds had a protective effect on the liver, against atherosclerosis.

7. Good effect in weight loss and digestive system

Pumpkin seeds help maintain a healthy weight, because after eating pumpkin seeds we feel full longer. In addition, pumpkin seeds also help promote digestive health.

Hạt bí có tác dụng tốt trong việc giảm cân và hệ tiêu hoá
Hạt bí có tác dụng tốt trong việc giảm cân và hệ tiêu hoá

8. Boosts the Immune System

The oil in pumpkin seeds provides high levels of vitamin E and other antioxidants. Vitamin E helps strengthen the immune system and maintain healthy blood vessels.

9. Prevention of insomnia

Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of tryptophan-an amino acid. Tryptophan has been used to treat chronic insomnia. The body converts tryptophan into serotonin - the hormone that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed, and melatonin - also known as the sleep hormone.
Eating a few pumpkin seeds before bed, with a small amount of carbohydrates included as a piece of fruit, can be beneficial in providing your body with the tryptophan it needs to produce melatonin.

10. Good for pregnancy health

Pumpkin seeds are a very good source of zinc. Researchers say that every 100g of pumpkin seeds contains 7.99 mg of zinc. For men 19 years of age and older, 11 mg of zinc is recommended daily and 8 mg for women.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 80% of women worldwide have inadequate zinc intake. Low zinc levels alter circulating levels of many hormones involved in the induction of labor.
Nutritionists recommend zinc supplements during pregnancy, as it improves overall health outcomes. Zinc is also needed for normal immune function and prevention of uterine infections.

Hạt bí rất tốt cho sức khỏe thai kỳ nếu dùng đúng cách
Hạt bí rất tốt cho sức khỏe thai kỳ nếu dùng đúng cách

11. Provides anti-oxidants

Pumpkin seed oil contains antioxidants. Unrefined pumpkin seed oil provides PUFA and lipophilic oxidants. Antioxidants are like scavengers, responsible for removing unwanted waste products in the body, also known as free radicals. If these free radicals remain in the body, it can lead to a range of health risks.
Antioxidants offer many health benefits, including reducing inflammation. A study, published in 1995, found that, in rats with arthritis, after being given pumpkin seed oil, the symptoms improved better.
A German study, published in 2012, found that consuming more pumpkin seeds reduces the risk of breast cancer after menopause.

12. Promotes Skin and Eye Health

Pumpkin seeds are a good source of squalene, an antioxidant compound similar to beta-carotene. Squalene occurs in all body tissues, and it appears to play a role in protecting the skin from UV rays.
Animal studies also suggest that squalene may play an important role in retinal health. Squalene may also reduce the risk of cancer. However, studies on this issue are few.

13. Good for sexual, prostate and urinary health

Pumpkin seeds are also used as an aphrodisiac in some places. In a study at the University of Mansoura in Egypt, rats were fed a diet containing pumpkin seed extract combined with zinc. This study concluded that pumpkin seeds may have beneficial effects on sexual health status.
A study published in 2009 found that pumpkin seed oil may be safe and effective as a treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Those who consumed 320mg of pumpkin oil a day for more than 6 months saw a reduction in symptoms of prostate hyperplasia and improved quality of life.
In 2014, scientists found evidence that pumpkin seed oil can also help treat urinary disorders in men and women by alleviating symptoms of an overactive bladder.
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