Nutritional and metabolic disorders

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Nutritional and metabolic disorders are a group of metabolic abnormalities that co-occur and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, stroke and type 2 diabetes. metabolism, patients need to actively change their lifestyle to prevent dangerous complications affecting health.

1. Causes of metabolic and nutritional disorders

Metabolic disorders are closely linked with overweight, obesity and sedentary lifestyle. Accordingly, insulin resistance also plays a role in the formation of metabolic disorders. Normally, the digestive system breaks down and converts food into sugar. Insulin is a hormone from the pancreas that helps transport sugar into the body's cells for use. In people with insulin resistance, cells are insensitive to insulin and sugar molecules can no longer get inside the cells for consumption. As a result, blood sugar levels rise, even though the pancreas increases insulin secretion to compensate.

Đề kháng insulin cũng góp phần hình thành rối loạn trao đổi chất
Đề kháng insulin cũng góp phần hình thành rối loạn trao đổi chất

2. Risk factors for metabolic and nutritional disorders

Metabolic disorders are common in people with the following risk factors:
Age: the incidence of metabolic disorders increases with age. Race: Hispanic women have a higher frequency of metabolic and nutritional disorders. Obesity: being overweight with a large belly increases the likelihood of metabolic disorders and nutritional disorders. Diabetes: Gestational diabetes or a family history of type 2 diabetes are also leading risk factors. Some other diseases: the risk of having metabolic disorders is higher if the patient has certain medical conditions such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, polycystic ovary syndrome.

3. Signs of metabolic and nutritional disorders

Most abnormalities associated with nutritional disorders are not clinically apparent. The most prominent feature is the large waist circumference. If blood sugar is high, the patient may have symptoms of diabetes such as drinking a lot, urinating more, fatigue, blurred vision.
If any abnormality is detected, which is suspected to be related to a metabolic disorder, the patient should seek medical advice and perform the necessary tests for diagnosis and treatment.

Người bệnh nên tiến hành thăm khám ngay khi có dấu hiệu bất thường
Người bệnh nên tiến hành thăm khám ngay khi có dấu hiệu bất thường

4. Complications of metabolic and nutritional disorders

Metabolic and metabolic disorders are the prerequisites for the following diseases:
Type 2 diabetes: If you do not change your lifestyle to control your weight, insulin resistance will appear and lead to diabetes. to type 2 diabetes. Cardiovascular disease: Hypercholesterolemia or high blood pressure can contribute to the formation of many atherosclerotic plaques inside the arteries. This process, known as atherosclerosis, causes narrowing of the blood vessels leading to myocardial ischemia and stroke.

5. Diagnosis of metabolic and nutritional disorders

Metabolic syndrome is established when the patient has at least 3 of the following characteristics, including:
Increased waist circumference: waist circumference above 89cm for women and over 102cm for men is an increase. meaningful. Hypertriglyceridemia: blood triglycerides > 1.7mmol/L or > 150mg/dL Decreased HDL cholesterol: HDL is considered a beneficial cholesterol for the body, <1.04mmol/L (40mg/dL) in men and <1.3mmol/ L (50mg/dL) in women. Hypertension: home blood pressure >130/85 mmHg Hyperglycemia >5.6 mmol/L or >100 mg/dL

Chu vi vòng bụng tăng bất thường là một trong những nguyên nhân gây rối loạn chuyển hóa
Chu vi vòng bụng tăng bất thường là một trong những nguyên nhân gây rối loạn chuyển hóa

6. Prevention of metabolic and nutritional disorders

A healthy lifestyle needs to be maintained for a long time to prevent metabolic disorders from appearing. Measures proven to be effective include:
Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Take advantage of exercise as much as possible such as walking to work, limiting the use of elevators. Maintain a diet rich in green vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Choose lean meat and limit fat in the diet. Limit the amount of sugar and salt in your meals. Maintain a healthy weight. Losing 7% to 10% of your weight can reduce your risk of developing insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Don't smoke and use alcoholic beverages Avoid a stressful, high-pressure lifestyle. Nutritional and metabolic disorders can increase the risk of many diseases affecting human health. Therefore, when suffering from nutritional and metabolic disorders, patients need to actively change their lifestyle to prevent dangerous complications affecting health.
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