Nutrition guide for transgender people

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Currently, there is limited nutritional information aimed at transgender people. Traditionally nutritional assessment methods have been gender-specific with one set of guidelines for men and one for women. There is no standard of care to inform clinicians about the nutritional assessment of transgender and gender-nonconforming patients. Clinicians may choose to use values ​​related to the patient's gender identity, may personalize nutritional care based on the patient's medical transition, or may use one range of values ​​as appropriate.

General nutrition guidelines require us to consider the foods we consume in accordance with general guidelines for quantity, quality and serving sizes for the general public. For transgender people who begin hormone replacement therapy during the transition, they expect certain changes in their bodies in terms of weight, measurements, and muscle mass. They - transgender people have confusion about food, gradually changing hormone doses and changes in how the body needs to provide nutrition properly. So what should transgender people eat?

1. Eat a variety of protein-rich foods

Transgender people should eat lean meats such as lean beef, chicken, fish, eggs and some legume foods... These are foods that help produce abundant testosterone, which is good for people transgender, especially transgender men.

2. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables in the daily nutritional menu

To get the gender I want, transgender people have to undergo dozens of large and small surgeries, causing a lot of pain leading to many health consequences. Therefore, transgender people should add to their daily nutritional menu a variety of green vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals to compensate for the lost energy, and at the same time help relieve constipation. . You eat a variety of green vegetables and fruits, prioritizing seasonal fruits.

3. Do not drink a lot of alcohol, beer and stimulants

Transgender people should limit the use of alcohol, beer, alcoholic beverages and stimulants. These are very harmful agents for the body, causing many parts of the transgender hormone system to be eliminated. In particular, people who drink a lot of wine, beer and alcoholic beverages can experience increased levels of the female hormone estrogen, which increases the size of the mammary glands in transgender men and shrinks the testicles in transgender men. .

Reference source: healthline

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