Home Tag Complications of high blood pressure

Articles in Complications of high blood pressure

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Hypertension and angina: The pathological spiral
Hypertension and angina are frequently and strongly linked. According to a statistic, about 15% of hypertensive patients present with angina and vice versa, about 70% of patients with angina have hypertension. Besides, high blood pressure and angina are also manifestations of some dangerous diseases, such as coronary artery disease with high mortality rate.
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Can 25 years old with high blood pressure take AMP?
Hi doctor! Can I ask if I can take AMP when I am 25 years old with high blood pressure? Ask your doctor for advice and answers. Thank you sincerely!
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People who are tired and tinnitus after stopping blood pressure medication should continue to take it?
I have a high blood pressure of 160, while taking the medicine my blood pressure stabilized at 100. I went to the doctor again and said if my blood pressure dropped, I should stop taking the medicine. I stopped for 4 days, then I felt a little tired and tinnitus. The doctor told me that people who are tired and tinnitus after stopping blood pressure medication should continue to take it?
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Effects of high blood pressure on the body
High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of dangerous complications in the heart, kidneys, brain, eyes, even including the sex life of the patient. Therefore, early detection and treatment of hypertension is an important key to preventing dangerous complications that may occur in the future.
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Recognizing the signs of high blood pressure - the "silent killer"
High blood pressure is a common chronic disease, but it is also known as the "silent killer" because it goes on silently, patients barely recognize the signs of hypertension. The following article will help you better understand this disease as well as the signs to help you recognize high blood pressure.
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Note in the diet of hypertensive patients
Tuy là một căn bệnh nguy hiểm nhưng nếu có chế độ dinh dưỡng hợp lý và lối sống lành mạnh thì người bệnh tăng huyết áp vẫn có sức khỏe tốt như một người bình thường. Vì thế việc duy trì chế độ ăn khi bị tăng huyết áp như thế nào là mối quan tâm hàng đầu hiện nay.
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