Newborns with jaundice

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The doctor told me that my child has been jaundiced for 40 days. The total bilirubin test is 277.20 and I am taking prednisolone 5mg and colostrum milk powder as directed by the doctor. The doctor asked me how I need to monitor my baby to know if the jaundice has improved or not?
Nguyen Thi Nhai (1998)
Hello doctor. My baby was born for 8 days, his face has been jaundiced for 3 days now, he eats and sleeps normally, the doctor asked me if this has any effect on my baby? Thank you doctor.
Anonymous question
Signs that a child has jaundice:
Signs that a child has jaundice is that the baby's skin is yellower and the baby's conjunctiva (whites) are also yellow. This jaundice can start within two to four days of birth and can start on the baby's face first, then spread all over the body. Bilirubin levels are usually highest 3 to 7 days after birth. If the mother uses a finger to gently press the baby's skin causing the skin to turn yellow, it is most likely a sign of jaundice.
From a medical perspective, jaundice in young children is classified into two groups: physiological jaundice and pathological jaundice. Each form will have different manifestations, mothers need to consult a doctor to detect early pathological jaundice, timely treatment, and avoid serious complications.
Doctor Duong Van Sy - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital
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