Late period, thickened endometrium but no gestational yolk sac—could this mean pregnancy?


Hello Doctor,
I am 8 days late for my period, and when I tested, I saw two lines, one dark and one light. I had an ultrasound, and the doctor said my endometrium is thick but no gestational sac was visible, possibly because the embryo is still implanting. So, I would like to ask if being late for my period, having a thick endometrium, and not seeing the gestational sac means I am pregnant? Thank you, doctor.

Anonymous customer


Answered by Dr. Binh Nghia Truong - Specialist I, Obstetrician at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital.

In response to your question, "I am late for my period, my endometrium is thick but I can't see the gestational sac, does it mean I am pregnant?", the doctor would like to explain as follows:

The doctor is not sure if your menstrual cycle is regular, so it’s difficult to provide a definitive answer. There are two possible explanations: First, you may be pregnant, but the embryo has not yet implanted into the uterus, or it could be an ectopic pregnancy (where the embryo implants outside the uterus). The second possibility is that you may be experiencing menstrual irregularity, and the positive pregnancy test could be a false positive. This can happen if the test is expired, improperly stored, or used incorrectly.

To confirm whether you are pregnant, it’s recommended to have a Beta HCG blood test. This test measures the level of the pregnancy hormone, and based on the results, your doctor will guide you on the next steps.
If you have further concerns about your late period, thick endometrium, and not seeing the gestational sac, you should visit a Vinmec hospital for further examination and guidance. Thank you for trusting us with your question. Wishing you good health.

Best regards!

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