Lymph node biopsy: What you need to know

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After performing the lymph node procedure but there is still not enough data to diagnose the disease, the doctor needs to do more lymph node biopsy. This is an invasive procedure performed by a doctor in a hospital's sterile room.

1. What is a biopsy and lymph node biopsy?

Biopsy is an invasive procedure, the doctor will use a biopsy needle to take samples from the suspected lesion (skin, liver, kidney, lymph nodes,...). After that, the specimen was taken for pathological diagnosis. Biopsy is the definitive method of evaluation after basic tests are not sufficient to confirm the diagnosis.
A lymph node biopsy is to take an entire or more lymph nodes and do histopathological examination. Lymph node histopathology allows doctors to see the lymph node structure, morphology, and distribution of cells in the lymph node.

Trắc nghiệm: Thử hiểu biết của bạn về hạch bạch huyết

Hạch bạch huyết có vai trò quan trọng trong hệ miễn dịch của cơ thể. Bài trắc nghiệm dưới đây giúp bạn hiểu phần nào vai trò và chức năng của hạch bạch huyết.

Bài dịch từ:

2. Indication of tests

After doing a lymph node test but it is not enough to diagnose the disease, it is necessary to do more lymph node biopsy. Example:
Lymphoma Lymphoma Lymphoma Lymph node TB

3. Implementation process

Cần thông báo với bác sĩ nếu bạn đang hoặc đã từng sử dụng thuốc chống đông
Cần thông báo với bác sĩ nếu bạn đang hoặc đã từng sử dụng thuốc chống đông
3.1 Before biopsy The patient is clinically examined, routine tests are done (total analysis of blood cells, coagulation, ...) diagnostic imaging (ultrasound of lymph nodes, if necessary, additional tests can be done. computed tomography scan), was explained by the doctors about the condition, consulted and answered questions about the procedure, and signed a consent form to perform the procedure. Since this is an invasive procedure, you need to inform your doctor about your medical history: Allergy to anesthetics, anesthetic, history of anticoagulants,...
3.2 Perform a biopsy The doctor performs a biopsy in the operating room, after re-locating the lymph node to be biopsied through ultrasound. Depending on the patient's health condition, age, local anesthesia or general anesthesia should be used (young children, people with high anxiety should give anesthesia to avoid agitation during the procedure). biopsy wisdom. The doctor gives local anesthesia at the lymph node collection area, then uses a scalpel to make an incision and dissection to remove the entire lymph node. The doctor will then sew up the incision and fix the area with a gauze bandage. Specimens are taken for pathology and results are available after 3 to 5 days on average, depending on the place of testing. 3.3 After the procedure After the procedure, the patient may feel numbness at the site of the procedure because the effect of the drug is still present. When the effects of the medicine wear off, you may feel pain. If the tolerance is exceeded, you can take more pain relievers such as paracetamol. You should keep the biopsy site dry and clean for two days. If the incision is still bleeding, you should still clean the incision and change the dressing daily.

Nếu vượt quá ngưỡng chịu đựng, bạn có thể dùng thêm thuốc giảm đau như paracetamol
Nếu vượt quá ngưỡng chịu đựng, bạn có thể dùng thêm thuốc giảm đau như paracetamol

4. Is a lymph node biopsy dangerous?

Although the procedure is relatively safe, there are still complications and complications:
Bleeding, hematoma at the biopsy site: Bleeding may occur when dissection of lymph nodes located near or attached to blood vessels, need to be careful when perform. Infection: If you have an infection that is swollen, red, painful, and worse, you should go to the hospital for examination and early treatment. Nerve damage: Care should be taken when performing dissection of the ganglia, avoiding the nerves. Choosing a reputable facility for lymph node biopsy is extremely important and necessary. Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital is equipped with modern and advanced equipment and a team of leading experts with high expertise. The hospital now has an effective screening and screening package for thyroid diseases, helping to check thyroid function, screening & early detection of common thyroid diseases such as simple goiter, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer, ... so that appropriate and timely treatment measures can be taken.
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