Life expectancy with coronary stents

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The article was written by Specialist Doctor II Nguyen Quoc Viet - Interventional Cardiologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine, Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
When one or more coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked, the doctor performs angioplasty and percutaneous coronary stenting to re-circulate the blocked coronary artery. The procedure takes about an hour, the patient is anesthetized at the puncture site and is fully awake. After the procedure, the patient can be discharged from the hospital in 1-2 days.

1. Intervention for coronary stent placement like?

When performing the procedure, the doctor anesthetizes the puncture site (radial or femoral artery), inserts a sheath, and then inserts the catheter to the coronary artery. After determining the exact location of the narrowing or blockage, the doctor inserts a small catheter with a balloon and a metal holder (stent) into the patient's coronary artery. When the occlusion is reached, the balloon is inflated to widen the lumen and inserted into a metal bracket to maintain blood flow.

2. Those who have intervention to place coronary stents

When advanced atherosclerotic plaque narrows the lumen above 50-70%, the coronary artery is not able to supply enough oxygen to the heart muscle, especially during exercise, exercise or strenuous work. This causes myocardial ischemia with symptoms of angina, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Cardiologist to examine and order coronary angiography under the bright screen (DSA machine system), if the angiogram results have severe stenosis or obstruction, the stenosis is suitable, the doctor appoints coronary stents.

Stent mạch vành được áp dụng trên bệnh nhân có mảng xơ tiến triển làm hẹp lòng mạch trên mức 50-70%
Stent mạch vành được áp dụng trên bệnh nhân có mảng xơ tiến triển làm hẹp lòng mạch trên mức 50-70%

3. After stent placement, how is the treatment?

After coronary stent placement, the patient should fully follow the instructions of the specialist.
Patients who have had coronary stents need to take a full and correct medication regimen to ensure that there is no acute thromboembolism in the stent in the early days and to prevent the risk of re-stenosis at the site of insertion. stents and re-infarction in the remaining coronary arteries. It is necessary to take long-term medication as prescribed by a cardiologist. Smoking should be stopped because nicotine in cigarettes constricts blood vessels, damages the entire vascular system, accelerates the process of atherosclerosis, causes narrowing in stents and coronary sites. other. Quitting smoking is the best way to reduce your risk of coronary heart disease events. How to exercise after stenting: Lifestyle changes are an important part of treatment. Exercise is essential and follows the principle of starting slowly and increasing gradually to achieve the right level of exertion. Diet is also an important factor in treatment: Good food for patients after coronary artery stenting should ensure nutrition, but do not contain too much harmful fat. The total amount of fat consumed during the day should not be more than 25-35%. It is necessary to limit harmful fats such as saturated fat, cholesterol (found in fat, skin, viscera of animals, red meats, egg yolks, shrimp...), trans fats (found in many foods). packaged foods, fast foods and processed foods). Increase beneficial fats are unsaturated fats found in olive oil, fish and nuts such as walnuts, almonds... They can help lower blood LDL -c, lower blood pressure, limit blood pressure, and reduce cholesterol. prevent atherosclerosis and bring many benefits to patients with coronary artery disease. In addition, it is necessary to limit salt, carbohydrates (sugar, starch) and eat more fiber and fresh fruits.

4. How long is coronary stent placement?

The “life expectancy” of a coronary stent depends mainly on the type of stent the patient chooses. Coronary stents can remain permanently in the lumen of the arteries or absorbable stents can persist for a certain period of time.
The anti-obstruction effect of stents only lasts a certain time. Coronary occlusion may continue to occur in other sites of the coronary system. The phenomenon of restenosis or acute occlusion in the stent can occur when the patient does not comply with the treatment regimen of the specialist.
Not every coronary stent is complete, the patient is completely cured of coronary heart disease, so the patient should pay attention to closely follow the doctor's instructions after stenting.

Stent mạch vành có thể tồn tại vĩnh viễn trong lòng động mạch
Stent mạch vành có thể tồn tại vĩnh viễn trong lòng động mạch

5. What to do to reduce the risk of restenosis after stenting

To prolong the time of recurrence of arterial stenosis after stenting, patients need to adhere to the following indications after stenting, including:
Use drugs as prescribed by the doctor. Compliance with regular drug use and periodic examination at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year after stenting. At 1 year, it is necessary to re-examine and do a stress test to check the perfusion capacity of the myocardium. Change your diet: Quit smoking, alcohol, lose weight if you are overweight or obese. Reduce eating animal fat, fried foods, limit the amount of salt put into the body. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Regular exercise every day: Patients should not participate in vigorous physical activities, should walk gently for 30-60 minutes a day. Gradually increase the intensity of exertion to increase fitness. At Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital, with a team of specialists with many years of experience in specialized fields, with complete and modern specialized equipment.
Cathlab room with state-of-the-art equipment such as DSA angiography machine, meeting the requirements of coronary angiography and intervention with modern minimally invasive techniques. Inpatient area with a completely separate disease prevention system, fully equipped with supporting equipment and facilities. The clinic is also equipped with state-of-the-art cardiac diagnostic equipment such as 2D and 3D echocardiography machines with full features of transesophageal and chest wall ultrasound, electrocardiogram machine, Holter blood pressure machine, Holter electrocardiogram machine. If you need advice and treatment with techniques of coronary artery angiography, dilation and stenting at Vinmec, you can contact us at phone number 02363711111 or register at THIS .
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