Home Tag Angioplasty

Articles in Angioplasty

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Pros and cons of angioplasty
Angioplasty is an interventional cardiovascular technique used to dilate coronary arteries that are blocked or narrowed due to atherosclerotic plaques. Most angioplasty procedures these days incorporate a metal mesh insert, or stent, into the artery.
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What is unstable angina?
Unstable angina is the clinical manifestation of coronary insufficiency. The pain occurs even at rest, unstable angina can lead to myocardial infarction and seriously threaten the patient's life.
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Classification of acute coronary syndromes
Acute coronary syndrome is a very serious disease, one of the leading causes of cardiovascular death. In acute coronary syndrome, there are many different conditions, the classification of these conditions is very important in treatment and intervention.
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Coronary heart disease in women: recognizing the symptoms and risk of coronary heart disease
Coronary artery disease is often thought of as a male problem. However, coronary artery disease is the leading cause of death worldwide in both men and women. When the disease is severe, symptoms are usually 7-10 years higher in women than in men. Symptoms in women often do not have a typical heart attack, the pain is vague, often accompanied by sweating, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, not given enough attention, leading to untimely diagnosis and treatment. , the mortality rate is higher in women than in men.
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Myocardial infarction: When to use thrombolytic drugs, when to intervene?
Myocardial infarction is a dangerous disease caused by a sudden blockage of a blood vessel supplying the heart. When the heart muscle is completely deprived of blood supply, the muscle in that area will die, causing severe chest pain symptoms.
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Is unstable angina dangerous?
Angina is a common and typical symptom of coronary artery disease. In particular, unstable angina is a dangerous condition and requires urgent emergency care. If not treated in time, it can be life-threatening.
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Instructions for treatment and first aid for people with myocardial infarction
Myocardial infarction usually occurs when the atherosclerotic plaque ruptures, forming a blood clot that completely blocks the coronary artery. A heart attack occurs suddenly, is unpredictable and can be life-threatening. Therefore, first aid for myocardial infarction is extremely important to help patients overcome the immediate danger.
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Life expectancy with coronary stents
When one or more coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked, the doctor performs angioplasty and percutaneous coronary stenting to re-circulate the blocked coronary artery. The procedure takes about an hour, the patient is anesthetized at the puncture site and is fully awake. After the procedure, the patient can be discharged from the hospital in 1-2 days.
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Percutaneous coronary intervention: What you need to know
Coronary artery disease is a disease with high morbidity and mortality. Current treatment methods for coronary artery disease include medical treatment, intervention and surgery. Percutaneous coronary intervention is a non-surgical treatment that both relieves symptoms and resolves the cause of the narrowing of the artery.
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Difference between angioplasty and stenting
When one or more coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked, the doctor performs angioplasty and percutaneous coronary stenting to re-circulate the blocked coronary artery. The procedure takes about an hour, the patient is anesthetized at the puncture site and is fully awake. After the procedure, the patient can be discharged from the hospital in 1-2 days.
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Diagnosis and treatment of acute coronary syndromes
Acute coronary syndrome (also known as acute coronary syndrome) is a dangerous cardiovascular syndrome, which can be life-threatening.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics