Learn about the scar medicine Strataderm

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Strataderm is used to treat most skin conditions. This drug has a silicone gel dosage form, the main ingredient is Siloxanes; Polydimethylsiloxanes; Alkylmethyl Silicones; Silicones and excipients just enough for 1 tube.

1. What is Strataderm? Uses

Strataderm is prepared in the form of a gel packed into tubes: 5g, 10g, 20g and 50g.
The main ingredients in Strataderm anti-scar medicine include: Siloxanes, Polydimethylsiloxanes, Silicones, alkylmethyl Silicones. These are all safe, benign and highly effective ingredients when used.
Strataderm drug has the following uses:
Skin and mucosal protection: Helps against the negative effects of chemicals, ultraviolet rays or agents that irritate and damage the skin. Soothes and treats dry, cracked, and flaky skin. Helps reduce redness and skin discoloration. Helps relieve itching and skin discomfort. >>> Is flat keloid safe and effective?

2. Contraindications of the drug Strataderm

Strataderm is contraindicated in cases such as:
Open wounds; Unhealed wounds; People with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and excipients; Inflammatory fungal or viral lesions. >>> How are keloid scars formed?
3. Instructions for using Strataderm concave scar treatment How to use: Before using Strataderm anti-scar medication, the patient needs to clean and disinfect the scar. Wait until the scar is dry, apply a layer of Strataderm anti-scar gel. Wait about 3 to 4 minutes for Strataderm to dry. Dosage of Strataderm concave scars: Based on the condition of the scar, you can use an appropriate amount of medicine. Strataderm has a very good scar treatment effect, so you should not abuse it. Only need to apply a thin layer of medicine each time to quickly dry and cost-effective. Strataderm is most effective when it lasts 24 hours on the skin. Therefore, if after applying the drug, it is necessary to reapply to ensure that the drug is covered on the scar surface. If you miss a dose of Strataderm, make up for it as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and apply a new dose.

4. Side effects of anti-scar medication Strataderm

Strataderm anti-scar drug is used for topical application, so patients almost do not experience side effects. Some cases of side effects when using Strataderm anti-scarring medicine but only mild skin irritation at the application site, or causing allergic reactions (rare).
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If the patient uses Strataderm anti-scarring medicine on the damaged skin surface, it can penetrate into the bloodstream and cause unwanted systemic effects such as: Severe allergic reaction, thromboembolism, and blood clotting are relatively dangerous. dangerous.
To avoid experiencing side effects when using Strataderm, patients should be careful not to get the gel into the eyes or in contact with the mucous membranes. Absolutely do not eat or swallow medicine.
5. Strataderm Anti-Scar Interactions Strataderm Anti-Scar Drug Interactions can occur if combined with:
Topical antibiotics or antifungals; Lotions or cosmetics (if used in combination). 6. Note when using Strataderm anti-scar medicine In general, Strataderm anti-scar drug is safe for all subjects. However, patients still need to pay attention to some issues such as:
The drug can stain clothes. Therefore, you need to wait for the medicated gel to dry completely before putting your clothes back on. After applying the medicine, you need to wash your hands with clean water. Consistently apply Strataderm daily to achieve the desired effect. Avoid exposing the scarred area to direct sunlight. >>> Methods to cure keloids
Above is all information about Strataderm, you need to read the instructions for use carefully, consult your doctor/pharmacist before using. Absolutely do not arbitrarily buy drugs to treat at home because there may be unwanted side effects.

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