Learn about the 5-2 . diet

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The 5-2 diet is a popular form of intermittent fasting that includes: Eat regularly for 5 days and eat very little for 2 days. This article will explain the 5-2 diet and give a basic example of how to apply it.

1. What is the 5-2 diet?

The 5-2 diet is so named because it consists of eating regularly 5 days a week and significantly limiting calorie intake for the remaining 2 days.
While the 5-2 diet applies to the popular form of intermittent fasting, the term fasting is a bit misleading. Unlike true fasting, which involves eating nothing for a set amount of time, the goal of the 5-2 diet is to cut calories consumed on fasting days by 25% or just 1. /4 of a person's usual intake on the remaining days.
Part of the diet's appeal is its versatility. Rather than severely restricting the foods a person can eat, the 5-2 diet focuses on strict calorie restriction only 2 days a week. This diet approach can help some people feel more satisfied with their diet, as they won't feel like they're always missing or forgotten along the way.
However, the normal 5 days that apply on the 5-2 diet should still involve a healthy diet. Over the course of 5 days of normal eating, possibly eating a lot of sugary or processed foods and then taking a short break might not be as helpful as maintaining a clean eating trend for the whole week.

2. Evidence of the 5-2 . Diet

Although there is limited evidence for dietary pervasiveness in the direct assessment of the 5--2 model of intermittent fasting. However, in a study done in 2010, researchers found that women who followed the 5-2 diet achieved similar weight loss as women who followed the 5-2 diet. calorie controlled diet. They also reduced several biological indicators that have been shown to reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes.
A further study shows that the 5-2 diet pattern may help reduce the risk of certain cancers associated with obesity, such as: breast cancer ...

Chế độ ăn kiêng 5-2 là hình thức nhịn ăn gián đoạn phổ biến
Chế độ ăn kiêng 5-2 là hình thức nhịn ăn gián đoạn phổ biến

3. Benefits of the 5-2 . diet

The 5-2 diet may offer a number of benefits, including:
3.1. Weight loss
Most people who follow the 5-2 diet plan are looking to lose their current weight. To lose weight, a person usually needs to eat fewer calories than is needed by the body to burn. Nutritionists call this calorie burn.
When followed correctly, the 5-2 diet can be a simple, straightforward way to cut calories, while also helping to burn extra fat.
While there aren't many studies specifically on the 5-2 diet, early studies on intermittent fasting seem promising. A review in the Annual Journal of Nutrition noted that in animal studies, a similar interval diet led to a reduction in adipose tissue and fat-storing cells. Or a 2018 review and meta-analysis compared intermittent fasting to a simple calorie-restricted diet. This study notes that intermittent fasting can be as effective as: Calorie restriction for weight loss and improved health and metabolism.
3.2. Lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes
Early studies also show that an intermittent calorie diet may also help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in certain people.
Several studies show that both intermittent fasting and calorie-restricted diets reduce fasting insulin levels and insulin resistance in overweight or obese adults.
The benefits mentioned above do not mean that intermittent fasting is a better diet, but rather an alternative that may offer equally effective value for those who find it difficult to calorie restriction diet.

4. How to apply the 5-2 . diet

Principle of the 5-2 diet: a person consumes only 25% of the calories of the daily requirement.
For example, some people may need to start their day with a small breakfast to get their body moving. For others, eating breakfast earlier in the day can make them feel hungrier throughout the day. These people may want to stretch for as long as possible before taking their first meal. As a result, this meal prep plan may be a little different from the others.
Some plans for the 5-2 diet include:
Eat three small meals at times like: Early breakfast, afternoon lunch and late dinner Eat only lunch and early dinner Eat one a small breakfast combined with a late lunch and skip dinner Eat a single meal in the evening or in the morning The main focus these days is for a person to significantly reduce the amount of calories they eat. If the average person would have a calorie-recommended need to meet about 2,000 calories per day, they should only consume 500 calories on fasting days. The average person would have a recommended calorie requirement of about 1,800 calories per day, so reduce intake to 450 calories on fasting days.

Chế độ ăn 5-2 có thể mang lại một số lợi ích
Chế độ ăn 5-2 có thể mang lại một số lợi ích

5. Food for the 5-2 . diet

5.1. Vegetables and Fiber
For those just starting out on the 5-2 diet, eating more vegetables can help them feel like they're not missing out on food. Vegetables - plant foods can be very low in calories compared to animal products and grains, which means more vegetables in a serving can fit into a small meal.
Lettuce and dark green leafy vegetables can be used in large amounts in meals and help people feel fuller without eating extra calories.
Another example of this is using a grater to turn zucchini or carrots into noodles, serving as a low-calorie base for a dipping sauce.
5.3. Protein
Protein is important for satiety on fast days. Lean protein sources without too much fat will be considered and selected to ensure this diet.
Add a small portion of lean protein on fast days, including: white fish, lean meat, eggs, beans, peas, lentils, tofu...
It is important that people avoid extra oils and fats in foods during the 5-2 diet by boiling, grilling, or roasting these foods instead of frying them.
5.3. Dark berries
The nutritional composition of fruit contains quite a lot of natural sugar, dark berries, such as blackberries and blueberries, can satisfy sweet cravings.
5.4. Other Food
Soups: Soups are one of the great foods for fast days, as the water and seasoning added from the broth can help a person feel more satisfied. Water: Water is an essential food for everyone. In the 5-2 diet, it can help prolong the time between meals and help a person not feel hungry. Coffee or tea: Plain, unsweetened coffee and tea are accepted on fast days. However, some people claim that coffee or tea stimulates their digestive system, making them feel hungry. Herbal teas can be chosen and used in a great way to increase water intake.

6. Foods to Avoid for the 5-2 . Diet

To avoid excess calories or using up the daily calorie limit on foods that have less nutritional benefits than some other, more nutrient-dense varieties, a person may want to avoid the following foods at the time of the 5-2 diet:
Processed foods, often refined and high in calories Refined carbohydrates, such as: Bread, pasta and white rice Excess fats, including: cooking oil, animal fat and cheese

Chế độ ăn 5-2 cung cấp cho mọi người một giải pháp thay thế cho việc hạn chế calo cơ bản
Chế độ ăn 5-2 cung cấp cho mọi người một giải pháp thay thế cho việc hạn chế calo cơ bản

7. Side effects of the 5-2 . diet

Side effects of the 5-2 diet are very few people know. It is possible that there is no systematic study on this issue. Most of the side effects of this diet are anecdotal and include: Difficulty sleeping, bad breath (a known problem with low-carbohydrate diets), irritability, anxiety, dehydration, daytime sleepiness. ..
However, there are precise facts about the side effects of the 5-2 diet and more research is needed to confirm the signs of these side effects and their severity. may affect the health of the operator.
The 5-2 diet offers people an alternative to basic calorie restriction, which can help many people stick to this diet and lose weight. Days of the 5-2 diet can take some getting used to. Hunger or feeling faint may be more common when a person starts the 5-2 diet than when they are used to it. Many people who continue the diet say these effects will lessen as their bodies adjust. However, some people with special health conditions should not follow this type of diet. Anyone unsure of their specific dietary needs should consult with their doctor or dietitian before beginning the 5-2 diet.

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References: healthline.com,medicalnewstoday.com, verywellfit.com, nhs.uk
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