Is your mood normal?

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People's moods are not constant, but have certain variations. However, it is important to consider whether these changes are normal or abnormal. So what is normal, and what are the warning signs that something unusual is happening?

1.Overview of mood swings

People's mood when happy when sad, when up and down is very normal, as long as those changes do not interfere with the daily life of oneself or those around.
There are many factors that can influence mood swings during the day. For example, under the influence of circadian rhythms, most people feel excited and active around noon, but quickly become tired and depressed in the afternoon or evening.
Sometimes mood swings are a sign of a mental health problem, or an indicator of an ongoing health problem.

2.When are mood swings unusual?

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Severe mood swings will interfere with your daily life and those around you, but they are completely treatable. In mild cases, sometimes lifestyle changes are enough. But first, let's identify unusual problems that can cause mood swings:
2.1.Stress and Anxiety Disorders Day by day is full of troubles, complications, positive as well as positive. Unexpected negative events happen, they can change people's moods. Mood swings are stronger and more frequent in sensitive people than in others.
Lack of sleep is the most common complaint among people under stress. Uncomfort, worry, even fear are common feelings in many people, even when they themselves find there is no good reason.
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) may be established if uncontrollable anxiety has persisted for at least 6 consecutive months, accompanied by a number of other symptoms (such as confusion sleep disturbance). In the case of a severe anxiety disorder, patients may feel that they cannot survive even for a day.

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2.2.Bipolar affective disorder Mood swings (in both the up and down directions) in people with bipolar affective disorder are stronger and last longer than those in normal people.
For example, for the average person, if something goes well, the high mood can appear and last for 1 or 2 days, but in people with bipolar disorder, many days or weeks in a row is the feeling of paradise life, causing continuous activities, such as running around, talking very fast, a lot, sleeping less, even doing distracting things like using all the savings. Hallucinations may also appear (hearing someone else's voice, but in reality there is no one or no voice at all). This is called the manic phase.
Take another situation as an example, every ordinary person in life is sometimes tired of staying at home and not wanting to go to work; But in people with bipolar disorder, negative moods take place, no motivation, no vitality, boredom, despair, lying in bed for days leading to job loss, and worst of all, depression. present suicidal thoughts. This is called the depressive phase.
Luckily, bipolar disorder is treatable. It is estimated that about 3% of adults in the United States each year are affected by bipolar disorder.
2.3.Depression Mood swings can still occur in people who are depressed. Mood is negative, but it can still improve temporarily, although not as high as in people with bipolar disorder, but it can still bring a feeling of "fine".
People with depression may feel bad in the morning, but they feel better afterward. If negative feelings such as boredom, fatigue, restlessness or despair persist for more than 2 weeks, see a specialist.
2.4. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) Borderline personality disorder is a mental disorder characterized by sharp and sudden changes in emotions, such as Anger turns to anxiety, or despair turns to anxiety.
However, these changes are not as intense as those seen in people with bipolar disorder. Emotional changes in people with borderline personality disorder often stem from day-to-day interactions, so they are not able to cope well with stress. Where emotions turn negative (very uncomfortable or very sad), people with borderline personality disorder develop a tendency to self-harm.

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2.4. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Mood swings, reactivity, and boredom can be manifestations of adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Other possible signs are difficulty concentrating, restlessness, and haste.
2.5.Hormonal changes Sex hormones are associated with emotions, so any change in sex hormones can lead to emotional changes.

3. What to do when the mood changes?

Mood swings are a very normal thing in human life, as long as it doesn't affect your daily life and those around you. If you suspect that you are showing symptoms of a certain mental disorder, do not hesitate to see a specialist, because the sooner the treatment intervention, the easier and faster the success, avoiding the negative effects. There is no worth of disease to life.
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