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Articles in Scrotum

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Risk of infertility in adults with undescended testicles
Undescended testicles are the most common developmental defect in males. The incidence of undescended testicles in boys is about 3 - 4% at birth, often occurring in low birth weight, premature birth, and twins. However, undescended testicles still pose many potential risks in adults if not treated early.
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Is scrotal eczema dangerous?
Scrotal eczema is a common dermatological condition characterized by specific symptoms, but it is not yet recognized as a distinct disease. In scrotal eczema, the skin in the scrotal area often becomes thickened, red, scaly, and itchy due to irritation and allergic reactions. While symptom management is relatively straightforward, the condition frequently recurs, significantly affecting the quality of life.
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What you need to know about intestinal prolapse in children
Intestinal hernia is a common disease in children, especially boys. This is not a dangerous disease if detected and treated promptly. However, if the disease is not treated early, it will cause dangerous complications such as intestinal obstruction, intestinal necrosis, intestinal mesentery,...
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Learn about peritoneal tube disease in children
Incomplete sealing of the peritoneal canal in children will cause congenital diseases such as inguinal hernia, hydrocele, purge cyst... If not treated promptly, it can lead to complications of septic shock due to damage to the digestive tract, with a high risk of death.
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Causes of scrotal eczema, eczema on the penis
Eczema on the penis belongs to the group of inflammatory skin diseases. Patients with scrotal eczema have symptoms such as the skin on the scrotum will be thicker than normal, peeling, itchy and very uncomfortable. Scrotal eczema is not a sexually transmitted disease and can be cured. However, if the disease breaks out, it will greatly affect the health and quality of life of the patient.
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Scrotal ultrasound and what you need to know
Along with semen analysis, scrotal ultrasound is an effective diagnostic method for abnormalities of the testicles, epididymis and spermatic cord that cause infertility in men. Scrotal ultrasound is simple, non-invasive and helps to accurately diagnose diseases of the scrotum.
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What diseases does penile doppler ultrasound detect?
Penile ultrasound is a simple method but plays an important role in detecting and treating diseases related to this important organ. When performing a penile ultrasound, some diseases can be detected such as varicocele, orchitis,...
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