Is it okay to have sex when a newborn baby is in the same room as the parents?

The one thing you only share with your partner and no one else is sexual intimacy. It's a vital component of a marital relationship. Moreover, sexual intimacy requires a deeper level of communication that you don't have with anyone else. It necessitates both partners to share their feelings, their emotional and physical intimacy. So, can parents have sex when a newborn is in the same room?

1. The Role of Sex in Marriage

In reality, there are few couples who maintain the same level of passionate intimacy as they did when they first got together. Over time, sexual life is inevitably affected.

Many things can fade away during the long journey of a relationship, including restraint, humor, and most notably, sexual desire. It may be luck or an anomaly, but some couples still retain their passion for each other just like when they first became husband and wife. However, in practice, most couples experience a change in their sexual life after marriage and having children. This shift usually happens as couples become preoccupied with other concerns such as children, finances, and aging.

Studies show that as we get older, we tend to have sex less frequently. According to the most recent Sexual Wellbeing Survey (SWS), the average British person has sex at least 127 times per year, while married couples typically engage in intimacy about 98 times a year.

Exclusively breastfeeding women often experience a reduced sex drive.
Exclusively breastfeeding women often experience a reduced sex drive.

The only thing you only share with your partner and not with anyone else is sex. So sex is also the only thing that sets you aThe one thing you share exclusively with your partner and not with anyone else is sex. Therefore, sex is the only thing that sets you and your partner apart from being simply roommates. It is an important part of marriage.

Moreover, sex requires a deeper level of communication that you don't usually have with anyone else. It requires both partners to be open with each other about their feelings and intimacy. For example, to have a truly intimate night with your partner, you need to tell them where you want to be touched and suggest certain actions. This can only happen when both partners feel a certain level of comfort with each other that you never felt with anyone else before. Both partners must be very sensitive when making requests, giving, and receiving. Your trust in your partner must reach a profound level, where you believe they are willing to meet your desires without judgment.

The passion in your marriage is nurtured when you talk about intimate matters and physical touch with your partner. This signals to them that you hold them above the level of a friend. You view the relationship as something deeper. Sex is the element that helps couples create strong emotional connections, passion, and romance effectively.
What matters in sex is not the frequency of intercourse, but rather the experience itself. Sex should be an intimate experience that brings you closer together. If not, and if sex is merely seen as an obligation, then the marriage cannot truly be considered happy.
nd your partner apart from the status quo of roommates. It is an important part of marriage. 
Not only that, but sex also requires a deeper level of communication that you don't normally do with anyone. Talking requires both to confide in each other about all feelings, about intimacy. For example, to have a really intimate night with your partner, you need to tell your partner where you want to be touched and possibly suggest some action as well. This can only happen when you both feel a level of comfort with each other that you've never felt with anyone else before. Both must be very sensitive when asking, when giving and receiving. Your trust in your partner must reach a certain depth, that he or she will be willing to respond to your demands and be non-judgmental. 
Passion for your marriage is created when you talk about intimate issues and physical touches with your partner. That tells that person, you have put him above the level of friends. You think of the relationship between two people as something deeper. Sex is the factor that helps couples create the most powerful and effective vibration, passion and romance. 
What matters when it comes to sex is not how many times you have sex. Sex should become an intimate experience and bring the two of you closer together. Otherwise, sex is only seen as an obligation to return cards, then their marriage cannot be said to be happy. 

Lack of sexual intimacy is also a factor leading to marital breakdown.
Lack of sexual intimacy is also a factor leading to marital breakdown.

An active sex life will help couples bond deeply with each other. It improves intimacy, reaffirms their connection, and provides both partners with what they want and need. In fact, it has been proven that lack of sexual intimacy is a factor that breaks up marriages. If they maintain a passionate and enduring love relationship, couples, especially men, will live longer and happier. A healthy sex life is one of the most important factors in a successful marriage.

According to experts, sex is a vital component in an interpersonal relationship but it doesn't have to be frequent. Couples should simply be aware of the intimate moments they can share that strengthen their bond.

Therefore, if you already share a similar personality, try to align sexually as well. Alternatively, make compromises and work on improving your character to avoid conflicts, gradually making your married life more fulfilling and perfect.

2. Is it okay to have sex when a newborn baby is in the same room as the parents?

Although newborns are not aware of what you are doing, it may make you feel uncomfortable.
Although newborns are not aware of what you are doing, it may make you feel uncomfortable.

You and your partner can have sex while your baby is sleeping in the same room. Because after having a child, if you want to find a real time and space for just the two of you, it is very difficult, especially when the child is still young.

If your baby is safely placed on one side of the bed or in a crib, it's best when the baby is asleep so you're not distracted; having sex doesn't cause any problems. Newborns are unaware of what you are doing, but if it makes you feel more comfortable, turn the baby away.

No studies have shown that a child who sees their parents having sex will be psychologically damaged. Interestingly, children raised with parents who are often naked, who change clothes and bathe in front of children are thought to have healthier attitudes about sex.

You will know when your child is too old to be near you while you have sex. Generally, when they are old enough to wonder what is happening and ask questions about whether your sounds and actions are loving or aggressive (children often confuse sex with fighting), it's time for you to find a more private space.
Having a healthy sex life helps you become a happier parent. That means you need to be selfish about your sex life. If your child is napping, take the opportunity to spend some private time with your partner.

You can have sex while your baby is sleeping
You can have sex while your baby is sleeping

However, if that idea makes you uncomfortable, try to be quiet and quick (which means a lot of foreplay) or change your location. Try having sex in other places in your home (kitchen, bathroom, closet, etc.). Remember, if you're hesitant to have sex "in front of" your child, it will make you uncomfortable. In general, you will be less aroused and less lubricated.
To avoid this situation, be open with your husband about your hesitations. If you simply say no to sex, he might interpret it as an issue in your relationship. Remember, the more you share with your partner, the better your sexual life will become.
A marriage lacking sexual intimacy can be very dangerous. Therefore, sexual relations are an essential part of married life; they are a key factor in determining whether your marriage will be lasting and happy. If someone says that marriage doesn’t need sex or that it isn’t very important in married life, you should not believe it. Listen to your heart and your emotions.

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