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Articles in Postpartum women

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Signs of Abnormalities in the Cesarean Section Incision?
The rate of cesarean deliveries in our country is continuously increasing due to the advantages this method offers. However, surgical procedures are not always without complications. In some cases, abnormal signs may appear at the surgical site.
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Signs of Postpartum Infection
Postpartum infection, also known as puerperal infection, is one of the most common obstetric complications. It occurs when bacteria enter through the genital tract via wounds during childbirth, then settle where the placenta attaches in the uterus, potentially affecting all parts of the genital tract or spreading further.
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Heavy menstrual bleeding after childbirth
Typically, the menstrual fluid volume in a normal-amenorrheic woman ranges from 50-80 ml. However, many women experience hypermenorrhea following childbirth, with menstrual blood loss exceeding 80 ml. This condition is known as menorrhagia.
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Overcoming postpartum dizziness
Dizziness after giving birth is a condition that many mothers experience. This can be an early warning sign of many dangerous diseases, so it needs to be examined, diagnosed early and treated to avoid the risk of accidents, injuries or health effects later.
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Is it okay to have sex when a newborn baby is in the same room as the parents?
The one thing you only share with your partner and no one else is sexual intimacy. It's a vital component of a marital relationship. Moreover, sexual intimacy requires a deeper level of communication that you don't have with anyone else. It necessitates both partners to share their feelings, their emotional and physical intimacy. So, can parents have sex when a newborn is in the same room?
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Postpartum lochia has an unpleasant odor
Lochia is a common physiological phenomenon in postpartum women and often brings about an unpleasant feeling. However, lochia with an unpleasant odor is an abnormal sign that all women after giving birth should pay attention to.
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Explaining the Causes of Postpartum Memory Decline and Remedies
Many postpartum mothers experience memory decline, leading to various inconveniences. If forgetfulness persists, it can significantly affect their daily life and work, sometimes even resulting in postpartum depression. What causes postpartum memory decline, and how can it be remedied?
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