Is it normal for a 9-month-old baby to be 70cm tall?

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Height is also considered as one of the indicators to monitor a child's development, especially in the first year of life. Quite a lot of parents are concerned about whether a 9-month-old baby is 70cm tall, is it normal? This article will help parents of children answer this question.

1. Is it normal for a 9-month-old baby to be 70cm tall?

9-month-old babies are starting to be more active and are in the toddler stage. However, each child will develop according to unique milestones. Parents need to give children time to practice and get used to new things in life. Besides, parents should not mistake and interpret children's physical skills as signs of intelligence. Although, everyone wants their children to develop well and comprehensively, but what children can perform daily tasks is not related to the ability to acquire knowledge later.
In the first months of life, babies grow quite quickly in both weight and height. However, many parents often wonder when "how tall is a 9-month-old baby" is considered standard or "is it normal for a 9-month-old baby to be 70cm tall". To answer these questions, parents can use the World Health Organization's standards to determine the standard height of their children.
According to the assessment criteria of the World Health Organization - WHO, the average height of 9-month-old children is 70.1 cm for boys and girls. Based on data from the World Health Organization, children at this stage increase their height by an average of about 1.5 cm per month. Therefore, to help children develop comprehensively physically, parents need to have a more thorough child care plan at this stage.

Bé 9 tháng cao 70cm liệu có bình thường không?
Bé 9 tháng cao 70cm liệu có bình thường không?

2. How to determine the height of a 9-month-old baby?

As mentioned above, if the weight index measures the child's nutritional intake best at present, the height index also reflects the baby's nutrition in the past. The height index in children should also be compared with current and previous values ​​to get a more general view of a child's growth. Usually for children with signs of abnormal growth reflected in the height index, it takes about 2-3 months to notice this clearly. The child's height index will be less volatile and stable than the weight.
To determine the child's height at the age of 9 months, parents can measure it by placing the child lying down. Because at this stage, children cannot stand on their own and often still have to use something to hold on. As a result, it can make measurements difficult and data inaccurate.
Parents can put the child to lie on a plane perpendicular to the ground and mark the position of the child's head and heels. Then measure on these two points to get the child's height.

Để xác định chiều cao trẻ 9 tháng 70 cm không, cha mẹ có thể đo bằng cách đặt trẻ nằm
Để xác định chiều cao trẻ 9 tháng 70 cm không, cha mẹ có thể đo bằng cách đặt trẻ nằm

3. Methods of taking care of a 9-month-old baby for comprehensive development

About nutrition:
Children start eating solids at 6 months old and have 3 to 4 teeth at 9 months old. Food for children at this stage needs to provide enough 4 food groups corresponding to important and necessary nutrients. Specifically the protein group (including foods from meat, fish, eggs, milk); group of fats (including foods such as oils, fats, butter,...); group of carbohydrates (including rice, cereals, beans...); group of vitamins and minerals (including green vegetables, ripe fruits, tubers...). At this stage, children know the difference between favorite foods and dislikes. However, parents often have a habit of pureeing all foods together, so the baby does not feel the appeal of each food. Moreover, during this period, children have developed incisors, so they can bite and practice chewing. If parents give children pureed foods, it can cause anorexia due to the loss of food flavor, unstable teeth development and poor chewing skills. Giving children food from outside will also require parents to practice proper oral hygiene for children to avoid the risk of dental diseases, such as tooth decay... Sunbathing for children :
Let children sunbathe every day in the early morning or late afternoon so that the child can absorb more vitamin D, helping the bones develop well. Children's motor development:
The more children are active with activities such as flipping, crawling, crawling and learning to walk, will help children develop better physically, including height. Sleep quality:
Children's sleep has an impact on height development. Growth hormone secretion is commonly known as a necessary condition for the growth of height in children. According to an American study, sleep has the ability to stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete this growth hormone. Thus, if children have good quality sleep, it will make the growth of height better. Parents also note that children should not eat more food before going to bed. Because when charging too much energy before going to bed, it will make the baby's stomach full, indigestion, stomach activity, making the child sleep not deeply. Parents, please let the child lie in the correct position to help the child develop better height. Do not let the child's head pillow be too high, it will cause the spine and neck bones of the child to be bent, eventually leading to hunchback. In summary, the 9-month-old baby's height averaged 70.1 cm for boys and girls. Therefore, to help children develop comprehensively physically, parents need to have a more thorough child care plan at this stage. Besides, the baby should also be supplemented with necessary micronutrients such as: Zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C),... to improve taste, eat well, reach the correct height and weight, and exceed the standard, have a good immune system, strengthen the resistance to get sick less often and have less digestive problems.
To have more knowledge about taking care of children according to age, please visit the website ( regularly and make an appointment with the leading doctors, Pediatricians - Nutrition experts when you need advice.
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