Is it good to feed your baby avocado every day?

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Avocados are high in monounsaturated fats, which are good for your baby's health. So is it good to feed your baby with avocado every day, what should be noted when supplementing for children? This article will help parents answer questions.

1. Benefits when feeding your baby with butter

Can children eat avocado? The answer is yes. After the first months of breastfeeding, when the baby is 6 months old, parents can practice giving the baby a few healthy foods, typically avocados.
Avocados bring many benefits to your baby's health. However, before giving the baby avocado weaning, parents should still consult a nutritionist to ensure safety. At the same time, to feed the baby with avocado properly, make sure that the baby is not allergic, in the first few days, parents should give the baby a small amount, then increase it gradually.
Some of the health benefits of avocado with children:
Rich in vitamins and minerals: Avocados contain many essential vitamins (A, C, E, K, vitamin B6, folate, thiamin, niacin) and are rich in minerals like iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium and zinc. These vitamins and minerals all help your baby grow and develop well; Easy to digest: Avocado is easy to digest, even though children have sensitive digestive systems. Not only that, avocado also helps control signs of indigestion (a condition that children often encounter when they are first exposed to solid foods). In addition, avocado prevents bloating and stomach pain. So this is a good food if your baby has colic; Rich in antioxidants: Avocado contains many antioxidants, which support the digestive system and ensure the proper functioning of the metabolism; Rich in unsaturated fats: Avocados are rich in unsaturated fats, which are good for the development of the brain and vision of children; Helps heal wounds: Eating avocado is also a way to help your baby heal quickly. Parents can avoid giving their baby drugs and antibiotics by using avocado; Helps protect liver: Avocado is a fruit good for liver health. When fed regularly, avocado helps prevent liver damage, keeping it in top condition. This is a measure to help protect children from diseases such as hepatitis, jaundice; Limit inflammation: Eating avocado regularly helps prevent the risk of inflammatory diseases. Inflammation can be caused by tissue damage, irritants, or pathogens. Children's skin is very soft and sensitive, even minor scratches can cause severe inflammation. So, eating avocado helps limit this inflammation.

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Cha mẹ có thể cho bé ăn dặm bơ với những lợi ích tuyệt vời

2. Is it good for babies to eat avocado every day?

According to researchers from the University of Illinois, USA, people who have a habit of eating avocado every day as part of a meal will have a richer amount of gut bacteria. These bacteria can break down fiber and produce metabolites that are good for gut health. For children, avocado also has many of the above benefits. So, to the question of whether it is good to feed your baby avocado every day, the answer is yes. As long as parents need to control the amount of avocado appropriate for the age of the child (as directed by a nutritionist), do not give the child too much.
1 avocado provides about 12g of fiber on average. Therefore, eating avocados with other vegetables and tubers will help each person consume the necessary amount of fiber each day (recommended need is 28-34g fiber/day). Adults can add at least 1⁄2 avocados to their diets each day (either by eating avocados fresh directly or making them into delicious dishes like avocado smoothies, avocado salads, cakes, avocado ice cream, etc.). ..). Children can eat avocado every day in the amount recommended by their doctor.

3. How to feed your baby avocado properly?

How to feed your baby with avocado has a decisive role in the development of the child. Here are some notes that parents should refer to:
Feeding your child fresh avocado: You should give your baby fresh avocado instead of cooked because when cooked, this fruit does not have many nutrients anymore. Fresh avocado is very soft and fragrant, so the baby loves this dish; Choose avocados depending on the time your child eats: When avocados are picked, they ripen very quickly. Therefore, if you want to feed your baby immediately after buying, you should choose ripe avocados. And if you plan to wait a few days to feed your baby, you should choose the ones that are about to ripen; Feed your baby avocado raw or mixed with other fruit: When feeding your baby avocado, you just need to peel and take the avocado flesh for your baby to eat. In addition, you can also mix avocado with other steamed fruits and vegetables and then feed them to your baby; Store avocados: If you store avocados in the refrigerator, they will no longer ripen. So if you bought a partially ripe avocado and stored it in the fridge, it won't be soft enough to feed your baby. Therefore, parents are advised to only put avocados in the refrigerator if they are already soft.

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Cha mẹ nên cho bé ăn bơ đúng cách

4. Notes when choosing to buy and feed babies with butter

Parents need to pay attention:
Should choose ripe avocados with glossy brown skin, light yellow flesh and evenly round seeds, slightly sweet and fatty when eaten; It is recommended to eat the dark green flesh under the avocado skin because this is the part that contains the most nutrients; Many studies show that certain oils in avocados such as estragole or anethole can cause liver damage. Therefore, people with liver problems should limit eating avocados; Give your child the correct amount of avocado recommended by a nutritionist. The answer to the question of whether it is good to feed your baby avocado every day is yes. With many health benefits, avocado is very suitable to add to your baby's daily diet.

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