Is it good to exercise after eating?

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To maintain optimal health, regular exercise is essential. In addition to exercising with the right movements and maintaining a reasonable time, whether exercising after eating is good is currently a question of many people. So when is the best time to exercise?

1. Not eating before short exercises will not affect training performance

People who want to get the most out of their workouts, wondering if their pre-workout habit is affecting their training performance? Researchers have conducted several studies and have found that there is no difference in training performance between eating and not eating before short workouts. That is, if you exercise with moderate intensity and for a short time, eating or not eating before exercise does not affect the results of exercise.
The explanation for this phenomenon is due to the mechanism of energy accumulation. Your body stores about 2,000 calories as glycogen and more as fat. That reserve of energy allows you to exercise even if you haven't eaten for hours. However, there is also research that shows that snacking on carbohydrates can improve exercise performance. So scientists recommend that eating or not eating before exercise can be up to individual preferences.

2. Eating before performing a long exercise improves training performance

For heavy or prolonged exercise, large-scale analytical studies show that eating before exercise improves training performance. Studies have also shown that eating a moderate amount of carbs a few hours before exercise can have significant effects, especially for endurance athletes.

Bổ sung lượng carbs vừa phải vài giờ trước khi tập thể dục giúp hiệu quả việc tập luyện được nâng cao
Bổ sung lượng carbs vừa phải vài giờ trước khi tập thể dục giúp hiệu quả việc tập luyện được nâng cao

3. If you don't eat before exercising, you should eat right after finishing your workout

Although research results on whether or not to eat before exercising are mixed, scientists all agree with the view that it should be eaten after exercise. Eating right after exercise will bring many significant benefits. Specifically, if you eat a source of protein and carbs, it will help your body adapt and recover well after a workout. For example, amino acids can be used to make protein, while carbs can replenish your body's glycogen stores.
However, if you choose to exercise with fasting, your body already fuels the workout using the energy stores in your body. Moreover, because you do not eat, the source of nutrients for recovery is limited. Therefore, it is very important that you need to supplement food immediately after a workout.

4. How soon after exercise should eat?

Several studies have been conducted to compare the results between eating immediately after a workout and a few hours after a workout. The results showed no difference between the two experimental groups, and the scientists unanimously recommended that eating should be done soon after a workout. This is especially important if you haven't eaten any food before your workout.

5. Some other notes when exercising

5.1. Breakfast should be nutritious and healthy If you exercise in the morning, you should get up early in the morning and finish breakfast at least an hour before exercising. Some ideal foods include:
Whole grain bread or cereal Low fat milk Juice A banana Yogurt A cake If you usually drink coffee in the morning, a cup before a workout will also keep you awake more apples and excitement.
5.2. Timing Guidelines Large meals should be at least three to four hours before exercise. Small meals or snacks, about one to three hours before exercise.
Eating too much or too little before training is not good. Eating too little may not give you the energy you need to stay feeling healthy throughout your workout.

Người tập nên ăn các bữa nhẹ cách thời điểm tập luyện vài giờ đồng hồ
Người tập nên ăn các bữa nhẹ cách thời điểm tập luyện vài giờ đồng hồ

5.3. A sensible pre-meal snack An early pre-exercise snack probably won't provide any extra energy if your workout lasts longer than 60 minutes. Good snack options include:
Yogurt Fruit smoothies Whole grain bagels or crackers Peanut butter bread Sports drinks or diluted juice 5.4. Eat after you exercise To help your muscles recover and replace glycogen stores, eat a meal containing both carbohydrates and protein within two hours of your workout if possible. Good post-workout foods include:
Yogurt and fruit Peanut butter sandwich Turkey smoothie with whole grain bread with veggies 5.5. Drink enough water You need to provide enough water for the body in the following order:
Drink about 2 to 3 cups of water two to three hours before starting a workout. Drink about 1/2 to 1 cup of water at a time throughout your workout. Drink about 2 to 3 cups of water after each workout If you're exercising for more than 60 minutes, it's a good idea to have a sports drink, because of some of the outstanding benefits it offers.
5.6. Listen to your body Remember, the duration and intensity of your activity will determine the amount of food and water you consume. For example, running burns more energy than just walking a few miles. Pay attention to how you feel during your workout and your overall performance, because everyone's body is different. is different. You can keep a diary to track your body's response to meals and snacks and then adjust your diet for optimal results.
Once you have answered the question, is it good to exercise after eating, you can plan to exercise for yourself to strengthen your health every day. If you're careful, you can check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program, especially if you have any concerns about your fitness such as chronic health problems, heart disease, or diabetes. sugar or arthritis.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has developed a general health checkup package for all subjects, ages and genders. Through the examination, the doctor will give specific advice on a scientific diet and sleep to ensure that the body is always in a healthy state.
The examination is performed by a team of doctors, experts with many years of experience. Therefore, customers can be assured of the quality at the hospital.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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