Indications for the drug Amiparen-5

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Amiparen-5 and 10% drugs are drugs that help provide essential amino acids to the body of patients with reduced plasma protein, malnutrition or surgery. During the course of taking Amiparen, patients need to strictly follow the dosing instructions that the doctor recommends.

1. What is Amiparen?

Amiparen drug belongs to the group of gastrointestinal drugs, including 2 main types: Amiparen-5 and Amiparen 10%. In particular, the main ingredients of each type include:
Amiparen-5: L-Aspartic acid 0.25g, L-Serine 0.75g, L-Tyrosine 0.125g, L-Glutamic acid 0.25g, L-Methionine 0.975g, L-Histidine 1.25g, L-Phenylalanine 1.75g, L-Proline 1.25g, L-Isoleucine 2g, L-Threonine 1.425g, L-Valine 2g, L-Alanine 2g, L-Arginine 2.625g, L-Leucine 3.5g , Glycine 1.475g, L-Tryptophan 0.5g, L-Lysine acetate 3.7g and L-Cysteine ​​0.25g. Amiparen 10%: L-Tyrosine 0.25g, L-Aspartic acid 0.5g, L-Methionine 1.95g, L-Glutamic acid 0.5g, L-Histidine 2.5g, L-Serine 1.5g, L-Phenylalanine 3.5g, L -Threonine 2.85g, L-Valine 4g, L-Proline 2.5g, L-Leucine 7g, L-Isoleucine 4g, L-Arginine 5.25g, Glycine 2.95g, L-Alanine 4g, L-Tryptophan 1g, L-Lysine acetate 7.4g and L-Cysteine ​​0.5g. What is Amiparen-5 and Amiparen 10? According to experts, both types of Amiparen drug are drugs that help supplement essential amino acids for the body of malnourished patients, before / after surgery or with reduced plasma protein. The drug is prepared in the form of a solution for intravenous infusion, packaged in bottles of Amiparen 200ml or 500ml.

2. Indications and contraindications of Amiparen-5

2.1.Indications to use Amiparen-5 drug Amiparen-5 drug is usually indicated to supplement amino acids for the following specific cases:
People suffering from malnutrition. People who are about to have surgery or have recently undergone surgery lose a lot of nutrients. People who are experiencing a decrease in plasma protein. In addition, Amiparen-5 may also be used for a number of other approved therapeutic purposes. You can talk to a specialist for specific information about the indications for taking Amiparen-5.
2.2 Contraindications to using Amiparen-5 drug Amiparen drug in general and Amiparen-5 in particular will not be indicated for the following cases:
Patients at risk or being in a hepatic coma. Patients with severe acute renal failure. The patient has signs of increased nitrogen in the blood. The patient has abnormalities in amino acid metabolism.

3. Dosage and usage of Amiparen

3.1. Dosage of Amiparen The dose of Amiparen for intravenous infusion of Amiparen will be determined specifically depending on the drug, specifically:
Peripheral intravenous infusion dose of Amiparen-5:
Usual infusion dose: Patient will be IV infusion from 1-2 bottles of Amiparen-5 drug solution, equivalent to 25-50g of amino acid drip / time. Infusion rate: For adults, the rate of infusion of Amiparen-5 solution is 10ml over 30 minutes, equivalent to approximately 66 drops. The rate of infusion may be reduced for the elderly, children and patients with serious medical problems. Amiparen 10 infusion dose:
Usual dose through central vein: Drip 200-400ml of Amiparen 10 solution within 10 days. Usual dose by peripheral intravenous infusion: Instill 200-400ml of Amiparen 10 solution in 10 infusions. For adults, the infusion rate is 100ml over 60 minutes. Infusion rates will be considered reduced for elderly patients, critically ill patients, and young children. In order to help increase the level of efficiency in providing amino acids to the patient's body, the doctor may decide to combine Amiparen 10 with Carbohydrate solution. 3.2 Instructions for the correct use of Amiparen Amiparen-5 and Amiparen 10% drugs will be used according to the doctor's prescription. Based on the assessment of the patient's age as well as the health status of the patient, the dose of the drug will be adjusted by the doctor most suitable for each subject's characteristics.
During the intravenous infusion of Amiparen, a number of appropriate precautions can be taken by the physician to help the patient minimize the risk of cross-infection. In addition, when administering Amiparen-5 or 10% infusion to a patient in a cold environment, the infusion solution should be warmed to the same temperature as the patient's body temperature.

4. Some side effects may be encountered when using Amiparen

During intravenous infusion of Amiparen, patients may experience some of the following adverse events:
Symptoms of drug hypersensitivity reactions (rare), such as urticaria, development skin rash, itching, redness,... If there are any signs of allergy or hypersensitivity when injecting Amiparen, the patient should stop using the drug immediately and notify the doctor for treatment. Cardiovascular symptoms, such as palpitations or chest pain (uncommon). Gastrointestinal symptoms, including nausea/vomiting (uncommon). Liver symptoms such as increased GPT or GOT in the blood. Renal symptoms, the most typical being hyperuricemia. Infusion of large amounts of Amiparen solution or a rapid infusion rate may lead to acidosis. Other side effects include chills, headache, or pulse pain. Currently, there are no specific data showing that Amiparen-5 and 10% have an adverse effect on the patient's ability to operate machines as well as transport vehicles. In general, the side effects of Amiparen are quite rare. However, if you notice any unusual signs (including symptoms not listed above), the patient should promptly notify a specialist for examination and instructions on how to correct.

5. Some important notes in the process of taking Amiparen

5.1. What precautions should be taken during intravenous infusion of Amiparen During intravenous infusion of Amiparen, the following patients need to stop using the drug with caution, including:
Women who are pregnant or have signs of pregnancy. pregnancy signal. Elderly patients have reduced some physiological functions. If taking Amiparen, it is necessary to infuse at a slower rate than usual and regularly monitor the body's reactions. Patients with hyponatremia, severe acidosis, congestive heart failure, and severe dehydration also require caution when administering Amiparen infusion. 5.2 Interactions of Amiparen with other medications or medical conditions Although there are currently no specific reports of the interaction between Amiparen and other medications, this condition is sometimes still dangerous. chance to happen. Drug interactions can change the ability of another medicine you are taking, or increase the severity of side effects.
In order to avoid the risk of drug interactions, patients should report to the doctor about the list of medications they are taking, including supplements or vitamins. In addition, to ensure safety when injecting Amiparen solution, patients absolutely do not arbitrarily use the drug, stop or adjust the dose without the permission of the doctor.
In addition to drug interactions, a number of other health conditions can also affect the effectiveness of Amiparen, including:
Increased blood nitrogen. High risk of hepatic coma / already in a hepatic coma. Severe kidney failure. Congestive heart failure. Severe acidosis. Abnormalities in amino acid metabolism. Severe dehydration. Hyponatremia. Asthenia. 5.3 How to store Amiparen Amiparen 5 and 10% should be stored at room temperature, away from direct light and away from moisture (such as a bathroom). In addition, Amiparen should also be avoided in the freezer because this can affect the effectiveness of the ingredients in the medicine.
Because each medicine will have its own way of storage, patients should carefully read the storage instructions printed on the package or consult a doctor. Amiparen should be kept in a dry place, out of the reach of children and pets.
Hopefully with the sharing of Amiparen medicine, it will help the process of using it effectively as well as reduce unnecessary side effects.

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