How to prevent laryngeal cancer?

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Laryngeal cancer is a common disease and tends to increase in our country. Focusing on how to avoid risk factors will help prevent laryngeal cancer effectively.

1. How to know laryngeal cancer?

The larynx is an organ located in the neck, made up of cartilage, muscles, and ligaments. The larynx is located above the trachea, below and behind the larynx is the esophagus. The role of the larynx is to help guide air into the lungs, protect the airways and voice.
Laryngeal cancer is a malignant tumor that originates in the lumen of the larynx or in the wall border of the larynx. This is a common disease and tends to increase in our country. Most people with laryngeal cancer are men (accounting for 95% of cases), concentrated in the age group 40-50.
How to know laryngeal cancer? Common symptoms in patients with laryngeal cancer are:
The patient has hoarseness, increasing levels leading to difficult pronunciation, hoarseness, loss of voice. Shortness of breath, initially at a mild level, the patient can adapt, later on, the degree of shortness of breath gradually increases, appearing each episode of shortness of breath, the most dangerous is being stimulated leading to bronchospasm. Cough: is also a common symptom, sometimes with spasmodic coughs. Laryngeal pain, painful symptoms appear when the tumor has spread to the upper border of the larynx, pain often spreads to the ear and sharp pain when swallowing. When cancer of the vocal cords is at a late stage, the patient's breath is bad due to the necrotic ulceration of the cancer tissue. Patients have difficulty swallowing, choking on food, secretions into the airways, causing coughing fits. The patient's general condition is exhausted.

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When the patient comes to the medical facility, the doctor will make a clinical examination of the pre-laryngeal area and thyroid cartilage. To make a definitive diagnosis, the doctor will use supportive means such as:
Laryngoscopy to look for warts, ulcers, papillomas, infections,... Neck ultrasound to detect enlarged, sticky cervical lymph nodes, Infiltrates around Computed tomography (CT) to detect opacity, spread, and destruction of the tumor. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Biopsy to remove tissue from the tumor for pathological examination

2. How to prevent laryngeal cancer?

The main cause of cancer of the vocal cords is not clear so far, but studies show that there are several important factors that increase the risk of the disease. Focusing on how avoiding these factors will help prevent the risk of laryngeal cancer:
Smoking: smoking is believed to be the highest risk factor for laryngeal cancer. Studies show that the number of smokers with laryngeal cancer accounts for 12%, the number of non-smokers accounts for only 12%. Widely propagate the harmful effects of tobacco, mobilize people to quit smoking to contribute to reducing the risk of laryngeal cancer. Long-term smokers, when they have symptoms of prolonged hoarseness, cough, shortness of breath, etc., need to go to medical facilities for examination and early detection, the higher the treatment efficiency. Alcohol: Heavy drinking is a risk factor for laryngeal cancer. Alcohol is significantly increasing the carcinogenic potential of tobacco, so limit the combination of alcohol and tobacco to reduce the risk of vocal cord cancer.

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Occupational factors also increase the risk of disease, people who have to work in polluted and toxic environments, especially chemical plants, mines with chrome, nickel, asbestos,... have a high rate high laryngeal cancer. Employees need to focus on prevention such as compliance with safety regulations at work, use of protective equipment while working, periodic occupational health check-ups, etc. to limit the risk of contracting diseases. sick. Gastroesophageal reflux disease: many cases of esophageal cancer are patients with a history of gastroesophageal reflux disease. When the acid in the stomach is refluxed into the esophagus, it will have a strong impact on the esophageal mucosa, making the patient susceptible to laryngitis, bronchitis, and prolonged esophagitis. To prevent the risk of laryngeal cancer later, when heartburn occurs, patients need to adjust their eating habits, should not eat too full, should not lie down immediately after eating, sleep with the head of the bed about 15cm high. , abstain from stimulants such as alcohol, beer, tobacco, carbonated soft drinks,... Oral infections, prolonged ear, nose and throat infections, chronic laryngitis, body malnutrition, vitamin deficiency ... can lead to the risk of laryngeal cancer, it is necessary to focus on how to prevent the above factors.

3. The role of laryngeal cancer screening

Laryngeal cancer if not detected and treated in time, the patient's life usually only lasts 12-18 months. Patients often die from acute asphyxiation, pneumonia complications, exhaustion or massive bleeding. However, if detected and treated early, the cure rate can be as high as 80%. Therefore, periodic health examination to screen for laryngeal cancer early is very important. Periodic health check-up at least once a year helps to detect the disease at an early stage, so the treatment will be effective, with few complications, cost savings, and a high recovery rate.

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If there is no condition for regular medical examination, the patient should go to the doctor soon when there are signs of persistent hoarseness, increasing level, taking drugs to treat laryngitis does not help. Do not avoid the fear of illness because of the fear of illness, do not go to the doctor. Laryngeal cancer in the late stages of treatment will be extremely difficult, high risk of life threatening patients.
Periodic health check-ups help to detect diseases early so that there is a treatment plan for optimal results. Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has general health checkup packages suitable for each age, gender and individual needs of customers with a reasonable price policy.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

The patient's examination results will be returned to the home. After receiving the results of the general health examination, if you detect diseases that require intensive examination and treatment, you can use services from other specialties right at the Hospital with quality treatment and services. outstanding customer service.

Stages of laryngeal cancer development Indications for surgery to control laryngeal cancer Common location and risk factors for laryngeal cancer
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