Surgical treatment of benign tumors in the larynx

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Laryngeal benign tumors include many different problems such as polyps, fibroids, papillomas... and can be treated through surgery. Laryngeal benign tumor surgery is a procedure used to remove the tumor directly, ensuring the patient's health and normal life activities in the larynx.

1. An overview of the pathology of benign laryngeal neoplasms

Laryngeal benign tumors include many types of small tumors in the larynx area such as laryngeal polyps, laryngeal papilloma (or papilloma), cysts, hemangiomas, vocal cord fibroblasts... In which, the most common is vocal polyps. larynx, laryngeal papillomatosis, and vocal cord nodules.
Laryngeal polyps Are small tumors in the lumen of the larynx, caused by mucosal degeneration, edema or overproduction of epithelial/connective tissue... When laryngeal polyps are present. , the patient will have some of the following symptoms:
Hoarseness, loss of breath: The larger the polyp, the wider the glottis opening when speaking, making the voice hoarse and losing a lot of breath, so it's easy to lose breath when speaking. talk.
For polyps with stalks at the free margin or on the upper surface of the vocal cords, the patient's voice becomes flippant, difficult to hear. Laryngeal papilloma, also known as laryngeal papilloma, are benign growths that form in the larynx due to hyperplasia of subepithelial papillae. The cause of laryngeal papilloma is still unknown, it may be hormonal or caused by a virus.
Laryngeal papillomatosis can occur in all subjects and all ages, very easy to recur. When suffering from laryngeal papilloma, the patient will have manifestations such as:
Vocal cord fibroids Vocal cord fibroids include small rice grain-sized tumors, growing freely in the anterior and middle 1/3 of the vocal cords, consists of fibrous nuclei, outside is hyperplastic epithelium.
Vocal cord nodules may appear on one or both sides of the vocal cords symmetrically. This is a benign tumor of the larynx common in adults, less common in children, often caused by laryngitis or excessive voice abuse.
When having vocal cord nodules, the patient has the following symptoms:
Hoarseness: initially hoarseness in waves, then the voice returns to normal, gradually hoarseness continuously. The degree of hoarseness can range from mild to severe depending on the size of the fibrous particles as well as the degree of myasthenia gravis of the vocal cords. Takes a lot of breath to speak.

U lành thanh quản bao gồm nhiều loại u nhỏ ở vùng thanh quản như polyp thanh quản, u nhú thanh quản (hay papilloma), u nang, u máu, hạt xơ dây thanh...
U lành thanh quản bao gồm nhiều loại u nhỏ ở vùng thanh quản như polyp thanh quản, u nhú thanh quản (hay papilloma), u nang, u máu, hạt xơ dây thanh...

2. What is surgery for benign laryngeal tumors?

Laryngeal benign tumor surgery belongs to the type of laparoscopic surgery, used to directly remove laryngeal tumors through sphincter, indicated for all benign tumors located in the larynx region. This surgery is suitable for everyone and has no special contraindications, but there are still general contraindications like many other anesthetic surgeries such as age, allergies...
People performing surgery for benign tumors Laryngology is an Ear - Nose - Throat specialist from specialty I and above, experienced and highly specialized.

3. What should be prepared before surgery for benign laryngeal tumor?

First, the patient needs to be examined and have imaging tests to determine the exact location and size of the cystic tumor in the larynx. Patients and relatives must also be explained specifically about surgery by the hospital.
In addition, to ensure safety and high success rate of surgery, it is necessary to combine treatment to prevent gastric reflux (if any), thereby limiting the possibility of gastric juice causing infection. wound infection, prolonging the patient's recovery time.
Patient's medical record before surgery for benign laryngeal tumor includes:
Some basic tests before surgery. Film of straight neck and slanted neck. The results of a thyroid ultrasound and a thyroid scan when the doctor suspects that the thyroid is out of place.

4. How is surgery for benign laryngeal tumors performed?

4.1 Anesthesia The anesthetic procedure in surgery for laryngeal tumors is endotracheal anesthesia. If the tumor is large and there is difficulty breathing, it is necessary to aspirate to reduce the volume before anesthesia. On the contrary, if the tumor is small, the base of the tongue is not too thick, the patient can only need local anesthesia.
4.2 Techniques performed in surgery for benign laryngeal tumors. Laryngoscopy is performed with a specialized endoscope to clearly reveal the laryngeal tumor. Use microsurgery instruments to remove the tumor. Check and stop bleeding by unipolar (or bipolar) coagulation.

5. Post-operative follow-up and complications if any

Bệnh nhân cần sử dụng kháng sinh trong vòng 5 ngày sau mổ để hạn chế khả năng nhiễm trùng vết mổ
Bệnh nhân cần sử dụng kháng sinh trong vòng 5 ngày sau mổ để hạn chế khả năng nhiễm trùng vết mổ
5.1 How to take care of patients after surgery? Patients need to use antibiotics within 5 days after surgery to limit the possibility of surgical site infection. Pay attention to continue treating the phenomenon of gastric reflux (if any). 5.2 Possible complications for surgery to treat benign laryngeal tumors Patients may face some risks after performing surgery for benign laryngeal tumors including:
Infection of the incision: use of antibiotics to treat. Bleeding: if it occurs only in small blood vessels, the patient can use hemostatic drugs or use ice. In case the patient is bleeding profusely and continuously, surgery is required to stop the bleeding. Laryngeal benign tumor surgery is a common procedure used to treat benign tumors of the larynx quickly and effectively. While this surgery is suitable for most people, because it is invasive, it can still carry certain risks. Therefore, patients need to follow the doctor's instructions before and after surgery to ensure the highest success rate of surgery.
To register for an examination at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact the nationwide Vinmec Health System Hotline, or register online HERE.
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