How to have enough milk to feed your baby when breast milk is dwindling

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Hoang Thi Anh Tuyet - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
After giving birth, all mothers want to have a lot of milk for their babies. But sometimes this source of nutrition is not abundant, especially after 6 months breast milk gradually decreases. Therefore, when breast milk is less, what to do is a concern of many women.
Here are the methods to help improve the situation of less breast milk:

1. Change the mother's diet

1.1. Daily menu of meals In order to limit the decrease in breast milk, women need to eat a variety of food sources as well as increase the amount of consumption compared to normal, thus providing enough energy and nutrients. for both mother and child. In a serving, there should be enough of the following four food groups:
Protein: Comes from meat, fish, eggs, milk, legumes/beans... Healthy fats: Found in oils, fats and dairy Carbohydrates: The main ingredients of rice, noodles, potatoes... Vitamins and minerals: Green vegetables and fresh fruits are always recommended food groups In terms of food volume, mothers should eat 5-6 times a day, at the time before breastfeeding to stimulate milk secretion. Here is an average serving mother can refer to, specifically:
200 grams of meat or fish 1 egg 1 liter of fresh milk or milk powder 200 - 300 grams of fruit 500 - 600 grams of green vegetables Besides, You can also use some famous traditional dishes that help with milk such as stewed pork leg with green papaya, peanut (peanut) porridge, or black sesame (sesame) tea. There are not many foods that nursing mothers need to abstain from, but they can limit their intake of pungent spices such as garlic, chili, onions, etc. to avoid affecting the taste of breast milk.
1.2. Drink plenty of water Water also helps stimulate milk production, so women should drink from 2.5 to 3 liters of water per day. The times to drink water are when feeling thirsty, before and after feeding, as well as at night preparing to go to bed to make milk come in quickly. Recommended drinks include:
Nutritious milk for mothers Fruit juice Broth Filtered water Plain or herbal tea However women should also note that not every day you eat and drink more you will have more. more milk. On the contrary, an irregular and scientific diet can cause intestinal dysfunction of the mother and even lead to constipation for the child.
See more: How is breastfeeding good for both mother and baby?

Đu đủ xanh hầm móng giò và lạc được xem là món canh rất lợi sữa
Đu đủ xanh hầm móng giò và lạc được xem là món canh rất lợi sữa

2. Breastfeeding habits

2.1. Baby's feeding position Although in the past, women still have two full breasts, if they make a mistake when breastfeeding, they will make less breast milk after 6 months or sooner. The mother should pay attention to the baby's sucking motion to breastfeed properly according to the following signs:
The baby's whole body is close and towards the mother The baby's chin touches the mother's breast The baby's mouth is wide open, most of the mouth is closed. areola, not just sucking on the nipple. Baby's lower lip curves outwards. You can see your baby sucking slowly and vigorously, as well as hear swallowing. 2.2. Tips for breastfeeding In the case of less breast milk, you should continue to breastfeed regularly, the baby sucking on the nipple will cause milk to flow out. This action has the effect of increasing milk production, helping the milk to return quickly. Mothers should keep a few notes in mind:
Time each breast-feeding for about 20 - 30 minutes or until the baby stops on his own. Look at the baby sucking all of this milk before switching to the other, both taking advantage of the fat milk source at the end of the pregnancy, and stimulating the production of milk evenly on both sides. Mother and baby relax comfortably after feeding, easy to digest. Mothers will feel less pain Do not:
Take out the nipple midway when the baby is asleep because when full, the baby will release the breast on its own. Wait for the baby to cry and ask for a new feed, but not according to the schedule Save the remaining milk in the breast, will inhibit new milk secretion

Cho bé bú đúng cách và đúng cữ sẽ giúp sữa mẹ mau về
Cho bé bú đúng cách và đúng cữ sẽ giúp sữa mẹ mau về

3. Psychological factors

The phenomenon of less breast milk after 6 months or before milk come slowly can be due to several different reasons, including cesarean section, drugs that shrink the uterus after delivery, as well as psychological and lifestyle factors. of women in the lactation period.
In order to have enough milk for lactation, the mother should eat and rest properly, not be discouraged or worried when she finds herself naturally losing milk. Psychological factors at this time play an important role, women need to calm down and believe that they are still capable of producing a lot of milk for the baby. Around the issue of how to reduce breast milk, doctors advise mothers to patiently hold their baby to their breasts for sucking as an action to remind the body to secrete milk. If a woman is too stressed and worried about this issue, or stops breastfeeding, she may lose real milk.
Besides, mothers are also encouraged to try doing breast massage movements, massaging around the breasts, breasts and nipples to make milk flow more easily. Taking advantage of the even flow of water on the chest when bathing in the shower is also a good suggestion that mothers can apply.
In general, less breast milk after 6 months is also quite common. There are also cases of women suddenly losing milk just a few weeks after giving birth. At this time, the ways to have enough milk for the baby to suckle when the breast milk is dwindling include eating nutritious food, increasing milk supply, combining enough rest and keeping a relaxed mind, avoiding stress. The important thing is that even if your breast milk is less, you still need to continue to breastfeed your baby as usual to have any hope of returning more milk. Mothers should not give their babies other milk to replace or eat early powder because of the comprehensive development of the baby.
>> See more: Choosing formula milk for babies - Article written by Dr. Dr. Pham Thi Viet Huong - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital

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