How long can expressed breast milk be stored at room temperature?

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Le Thanh Cam - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology, Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital.
For the most part, breast milk will be produced based on the actual needs of the baby, the more often and effectively the baby suckles, the more milk the mother's body produces. Milk flows from the lobules to the collecting ducts in each lobe and then to the milk-filled sinuses under the areola. There are a total of 5-10 milk ducts open at the nipple. Breast milk production is influenced by four hormones: estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, and oxytocin.
The body's mechanism of producing breast milk is to self-regulate the levels of these hormones to produce milk. When your baby breastfeeds, the stimulation from the baby's sucking action helps the mother release more prolactin hormone which helps the mother's body to produce more milk. This mechanism helps the mother always have enough milk for the next feeding.
Expressing milk to stimulate milk or store milk for children to use gradually is a measure to help mothers ensure nutrition for their babies. Therefore, how long expressed breast milk can be kept at room temperature or how long breast milk can be stored is the concern of many mothers.
In fact, many mothers have the same question: "How long does breast milk last?" or “How long does breast milk last?” Because in many cases, the baby cannot suckle directly, but the mother has to express milk, if breast milk is left in the outside environment for too long, there is a risk of deterioration and loss of quality.
Breast milk has a lot of sugar and protein, the protein in breast milk is rich in amino acids. This type of protein is beneficial for the baby's body because when the baby suckles as much, it will absorb as much. But because it is so rich in protein, bacteria love to multiply. If left for too long, breast milk will be infected with bacteria a lot, when the baby suckles, it will be infected with digestive bacteria. So how long does expressed breast milk last?
To answer the question “How long can breast milk be stored?” For mothers, specialists recommend that:
At room temperature (above 26 degrees Celsius): Breast milk can be used up to 1 hour. At air-conditioned room temperature (below 26 degrees Celsius): Maximum shelf life is 6 hours. In the refrigerator: Up to 48 hours. In the freezer compartment: 1-door refrigerator type (small cabinet): Up to 2 weeks. 2-door refrigerator (with separate doors for freezer and cooler): up to 4 months. With a specialized type of freezer: can be stored for up to 6 months. To ensure the safety of the baby's health, mothers not only need to know issues such as how long breast milk can be left outside, but also need to pay attention to:
Wash hands thoroughly as well as clean the expressing tools milk, store milk before pumping out to store. Wipe the nipples clean before expressing and place a warm washcloth on the breasts for about 2 minutes before expressing breast milk. Milk must be stored as soon as it is expressed. You can store your milk in glass bottles with tight-fitting lids, BPA-free hard plastic bottles, or breastmilk freezer bags. Before giving to the baby, shake gently so that the amount of fat that is closed when stored is dissolved into the milk. Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.
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