Home Tag Breastfed babies

Articles in Breastfed babies

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Bilirubin index of jaundice in newborns
The bilirubin index in the blood of newborns is the basis for assessing the level of jaundice in children. Combining the high bilirubin index in newborns with age, health status, and clinical manifestations, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. Let's learn about the causes and consequences when the bilirubin index in the blood of newborns increases through the article below.
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Does a sour smell in a baby's stool indicate an intestinal infection?
The color and smell of a baby's stool are among the signs that reflect the baby's health and growth status. If a baby's stool has a sour smell, it could be a normal health symptom or a sign of various conditions that parents need to be aware of. Let's explore the causes of sour-smelling stool in babies through the article below.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics