How is scalp psoriasis treated?

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Although there is no cure for scalp psoriasis, some measures will work to relieve symptoms and prevent complications. Treatment options include medicated shampoos, steroids or lotions, coal tar preparations, synthetic vitamin D derivatives, phototherapy, and oral medications.

1. Topical medicine

The first step in treating scalp psoriasis is to apply it directly to the damaged skin, with options such as: herbal shampoo, topical cream, gel, lotion, foaming glue, oil, ointments and soaps. You can find some of these products available over the counter, but the more potent ones require a prescription.
Over-the-counter scalp psoriasis products typically contain one of two FDA-approved chemicals for this condition:
Salicylic acid ; Coal tar (tar). Prescription scalp psoriasis medications will also contain one or both of these substances in higher concentrations, in combination with a number of other FDA-approved medications, including:
Anthralin; Antimicrobials: Treatment of bacterial or yeast infections that may accompany early psoriasis; Calcipotriene: A potent vitamin D derivative; Calcipotriene and betamethasone dipropionate: Vitamin D derivatives combined with potent steroids; Some other topical steroids; Tazarotene: A derivative of vitamin A. In order to be effective, specific drugs for scalp psoriasis must be applied directly to the scalp, not just outside the hair. In addition, storing skin moisturizer or ointment in the refrigerator before use will further increase the soothing effect. Similarly, cool water or applying a cold pack can also provide effective pain relief.
Consistently follow the exact instructions on the package, or your doctor's prescription, and your skin can heal in 8 weeks. Once the psoriasis symptoms have disappeared, you can prevent the recurrence of the disease by washing your hair regularly or twice a week with herbal shampoos containing coal tar or other chemicals mentioned above.

Gội đầu dược liệu giúp điều trị bệnh vẩy nến da đầu
Gội đầu dược liệu giúp điều trị bệnh vẩy nến da đầu

2. Phototherapy at the clinic

If you have mild scalp psoriasis in a few areas, a dermatologist may consider injecting steroids directly into them. In the absence of response to topical scalp psoriasis treatments, laser or non-laser light source phototherapy may be helpful.
For example, the excimer laser focuses intense light on the affected areas and avoids impacting the surrounding healthy skin. Ultraviolet (UV) light is sometimes built into a hand-held device - called a UV comb, which is used to comb the entire scalp. If you have thin hair, or a man who has shaved his head, doctors often advise the patient to go out in the sunlight for a short time.

Quang trị liệu tại phòng khám là một phương pháp điều trị bệnh vẩy nến
Quang trị liệu tại phòng khám là một phương pháp điều trị bệnh vẩy nến

3. Special medicine for severe scalp psoriasis

If you have moderate to severe scalp psoriasis, your doctor may prescribe oral, injectable, or intravenous medications. Some commonly prescribed oral medications include:
Corticosteroids; cyclosporine (Sandimmune); methotrexate (Rheumatrex); Strong derivative of vitamin A (Soriatane); Molecular inhibitor apremilast (Otezla), taken orally twice daily. Note, the above specific drugs for scalp psoriasis can cause serious side effects, such as liver damage, so patients need to be prescribed by a doctor and closely monitored. In addition, other oral vitamin derivatives and stronger than commonly found over-the-counter vitamin supplements. Conventional vitamin A and D supplements will not be effective in treating scalp psoriasis.

Vitamin D không có hiệu quả trong điều trị vảy nến da đầu.
Vitamin D không có hiệu quả trong điều trị vảy nến da đầu.

Biologics are the newest FDA-approved treatment for scalp psoriasis. When injected or IV infusion, these scalp psoriasis drugs have the ability to inhibit, keeping your skin from producing too many cells. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the 11 possible biologics are:
adalimumab (Humira) brodalumab (Siliq) certolizumab peg (Cimzia) etanercept (Enbrel) guselkumab (Tremfya) infliximab (Remicade) ixekizumab (Talz) risankizumab-rzaa (Skyrizi) secukinumab (Cosentyx) tildrakizumab-asmn (Ilumya) ustekinumab (Stelara)

4. Living with Scalp Psoriasis

It is necessary to distinguish scalp psoriasis from ordinary dandruff. They are more common, large in size and silver in color. Accordingly, the scales must be carefully removed but absolutely do not rub vigorously or remove the patches until they have peeled off.
Scalp psoriasis also makes daily brushing more difficult. Patients need to be careful to avoid irritating the scalp. You can use a comb to gently remove dead, flaky scales. However, do not forget to clean the comb before each use to prevent infection.
Although there is no cure, many methods can control and relieve symptoms, as well as prevent a flare-up again. If the treatment plan is followed, patients rarely suffer from severe scalp psoriasis in the long term. The medical staff can also give advice to make the treatment process more effective, as well as reduce stress and sadness for the patient.

Thực tế, gàu và bệnh vẩy nến da đầu thường bị nhiều người nhầm lẫn
Thực tế, gàu và bệnh vẩy nến da đầu thường bị nhiều người nhầm lẫn

5. Stress relief

Stress is one of the leading triggers for flare-ups of symptoms. Patients should take time each day to relax, such as doing a favorite activity, sipping a cup of tea, doing a gentle stretching exercise, or watching an online mindfulness meditation video.
According to a small study, people who performed UV therapy combined with meditation had better treatment results than those who received phototherapy alone. You can also see a therapist or psychologist. Many people with skin problems have successfully managed the condition by dealing with stress and managing positive emotions.

Thư giãn, giảm căng thẳng là một cách điều trị bệnh vẩy nến da đầu
Thư giãn, giảm căng thẳng là một cách điều trị bệnh vẩy nến da đầu

In general, adhering to the treatment of scalp psoriasis is often effective and helps reduce symptoms. However, don't be afraid to talk to your doctor about changing your treatment if your condition doesn't improve. When scalp psoriasis shampoos, creams, or topical medications aren't enough to control the condition, your doctor may recommend UV phototherapy, which targets the lesions directly. There are also biologic injections that suppress the immune system.
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