How do Japanese people drink water?

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The Japanese people have practiced drinking water for therapy. In fact, there are many claims that this practice can treat a wide range of problems, ranging from constipation to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and even cancer.

1. How do Japanese people drink water?

In Japan, water is not only for drinking, but it is also used for therapy, hence the name water therapy. This therapy uses water extensively in Japanese medicine and in the lives of many people here.
This therapy involves drinking room temperature or warm water on an empty stomach after waking up to cleanse the digestive system and regulate intestinal health. Some people claim that this therapy can heal a variety of health conditions.
According to the Japanese way of drinking water, drinking cold water is harmful to health because it can cause fats and oils in food to harden in the digestive tract. Therefore, it will slow down the digestive process and cause disease.

Uống nước ấm khi mới ngủ dậy giúp làm sạch hệ thống tiêu hóa
Uống nước ấm khi mới ngủ dậy giúp làm sạch hệ thống tiêu hóa

Japanese water therapy includes the following steps:
Drink 4-5 glasses (160ml) of room temperature water on an empty stomach when you first wake up, before brushing your teeth, and 45 minutes after breakfast. Each meal lasts only 15 minutes. Then wait at least 2 hours before eating or drinking anything else. This needs to be done on a daily basis.
According to people who use this therapy, to be effective this therapy must be taken in different stages to treat different health conditions, for example as follows:
Constipation : 10 days High blood pressure : 30 days Type 2 diabetes : 30 days. Cancer: 180 days. Although drinking plenty of water can help treat constipation and high blood pressure, there's no evidence that it's effective in treating type 2 diabetes or cancer. However, drinking more water may have a number of other health benefits.

Uống nhiều nước giúp điều trị táo bón và huyết áp cao
Uống nhiều nước giúp điều trị táo bón và huyết áp cao

2. What are the benefits of drinking water properly?

Although Japanese water therapy is not an effective treatment for many health conditions, drinking more water can still provide some health benefits.
Increased water intake: the use of Japanese water therapy which includes drinking many glasses of water every day will help your body stay hydrated.
There are many benefits to adequate hydration, including optimal brain function, sustained energy levels and regulation of body temperature and blood pressure. In addition, drinking plenty of water can help prevent constipation, headaches, and kidney stones.
Most people get enough water by drinking to satisfy their thirst. However, if you are very active, or you work outdoors or live in a hot climate, you may need to drink more water.
Lower calories: the practice of Japanese water therapy can help you lose weight through calorie restriction. The first is that if you replace sugary drinks like juice or soda with water, your calorie intake will decrease. The amount can vary up to several hundred calories per day.
Also, with each meal only lasting for 15 minutes, then you eat nothing for the next 2 hours, which can limit your calorie intake.
Finally, drinking more water can help you feel fuller and make you eat less.

Uống nước làm giảm cảm giác thèm ăn và hạn chế lượng calo hấp thụ vào cơ thể
Uống nước làm giảm cảm giác thèm ăn và hạn chế lượng calo hấp thụ vào cơ thể

3. Some unwanted effects of Japanese water therapy

Water poisoning : can happen when you drink too much water in a short period of time. This condition causes hyponatremia because the salts are diluted by excessive amounts of fluid in the blood. This is a serious condition that can lead to death, but this is rare in healthy people with good kidneys that quickly remove excess water from the blood. But for people with kidney problems, endurance athletes and people who abuse stimulants when drinking too much water will be at risk of hyponatremia.

To be on the safe side, don't drink more than about 4 cups (1 liter) of water per hour, as this is the maximum amount of water that a healthy person's kidneys can handle at one time.
Excessive calorie restriction: due to the application of meal timing guidelines and eating for only 15 minutes. If you're trying to lose weight, excessive calorie restriction can lead to weight regain after therapy ends. Excessive calorie restriction reduces the number of calories you burn at rest and causes a spike in the hormone ghrelin, which increases hunger.
Being limited to eating for short periods of time can put you at risk of eating too quickly, which can cause indigestion or lead to weight gain.

Giới hạn thời gian ăn trong 15 phút có thể dẫn tới nguy cơ ăn quá nhanh gây khó tiêu
Giới hạn thời gian ăn trong 15 phút có thể dẫn tới nguy cơ ăn quá nhanh gây khó tiêu

4. How does Japanese water therapy work?

The Japanese way of drinking water is said to have the ability to treat many diseases from constipation to cancer. But so far there is no evidence to support this.
The Japanese way of drinking water is said to cleanse your intestines and help regulate gut health, but currently there are no studies to confirm this. Drinking water has an impact on the balance of gut bacteria, but the effect is much smaller than other factors such as diet.
Cold water lowers your digestive tract temperature and may increase blood pressure in some people. But drinking cold water doesn't cause fat to solidify in your digestive tract.
You should not use Japanese water therapy as a substitute for any medical care from doctors, healthcare professionals.
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