Healthy breakfast: Quick, flexible options

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A healthy breakfast helps restore the body, create new energy and is beneficial to health. However, many people often ignore or don't spend much time preparing this important meal. Here are suggestions for a healthy, quick and flexible breakfast menu for your family.

1. Benefits of a healthy breakfast

A healthy and nutritious breakfast is your chance to start your day full of energy. According to the report, adults who regularly eat healthy breakfast will get the following benefits:
More vitamins and minerals; Control your weight; Control blood sugar; Perform better during the day. Children whose families prepare a healthy breakfast every day can:
Meet their daily nutritional needs; Balanced body weight, healthy development; Increase concentration; Few have to miss school because of minor illness.

Bữa sáng lành mạnh mỗi ngày giúp trẻ khoẻ mạnh và năng động hơn
Bữa sáng lành mạnh mỗi ngày giúp trẻ khoẻ mạnh và năng động hơn

2. The basics of a healthy breakfast

The core ingredients of a healthy breakfast should include:
Whole grains: For example, bread, hot or cold cereal, waffles and muffins ) made from whole grains; Protein: Includes eggs, lean meats, legumes and nuts; Low-fat milk and dairy products: Examples are sweetened or low-sugar yogurt, low-fat cheese, such as cottage cheese; Fruits and vegetables: Includes fresh fruits and vegetables, 100% pure fruit juices without added sugar, fruit and vegetable smoothies. The above food groups, when combined, will provide a good amount of complex carbohydrates, fiber, protein and a little fat for the body. This complete source of nutrients will have many health benefits and keep you feeling full for hours.
From the core ingredients listed above, you can customize and create a breakfast menu that suits your preferences and regions. Try to combine at least 3 of the 4 food groups above for a complete healthy breakfast.

Bánh mì là thành phần cốt lõi của một bữa ăn sáng lành mạnh
Bánh mì là thành phần cốt lõi của một bữa ăn sáng lành mạnh

3. Breakfast cereals

3.1. Cereal Flour Cereals can be a good choice for breakfast menus. Research shows that people who eat whole grains consume fewer calories. As a result, they are less likely to be overweight than those who eat other foods for breakfast. But not all grains have the same ingredients.
Before buying cereal, you need to carefully read the nutritional information and ingredients on the box label. Don't forget to look at the weight section, some cereal packets are about the same size but will vary in serving sizes.
The main items to consider when choosing a cereal are:
Fiber: Choose a cereal that has at least 3 grams of fiber per serving. If possible, give preference to ones with 5 grams of fiber or more; Sugar: Cereals sold for adults are generally lower in sugar than those intended for children. Avoid cereals that list sugar near the top of the ingredients list, or have various added sugars, such as high-fructose corn syrup, honey, brown sugar, and dextrose; Calories: If you're mindful of your calorie intake, choose low-calorie cereals, ideally under 160 calories per serving. Add some chopped fruit to your cereal bowl and low-fat or skim milk. Or if you don't have breakfast at home, bring a piece of fruit, a container of milk, or some yogurt to go with your cereal.

Bột ngũ cốc chứa lượng lớn chất dinh dưỡng trong bữa sáng
Bột ngũ cốc chứa lượng lớn chất dinh dưỡng trong bữa sáng

3.2. This is also a popular choice on the breakfast menu. You just need to choose to buy according to the same instructions as with cereal flour. Ingredients should be made from simple, healthy sources, like dried fruit, nuts, and oats.
Also, don't forget to add some fruit and low-fat milk or yogurt to go with it. Even dry food with added fruit or yogurt will not meet your nutritional needs in breakfast.

4. Quick and flexible breakfast selection

A healthy breakfast doesn't always have to follow a traditional breakfast menu. You can make a variety of healthy breakfast dishes with the following suggestions:
Oatmeal cooked with almonds or dried cranberries; Whole wheat bread filled with hard-boiled eggs and a vegetable (eg spinach); Whole wheat bread served with lots of vegetables, tomato sauce and shredded low-fat cheese; A fruit smoothie, plain yogurt and a teaspoon of wheat germ; Whole-wheat sandwich, lean ham, low-fat cheese, lettuce, tomato, cucumber and bell pepper; Toast made with whole wheat, egg white or a similar egg substitute, seasoned with cinnamon and vanilla.

Sinh tố trái cây góp phần tạo nên một bữa sáng lành mạnh
Sinh tố trái cây góp phần tạo nên một bữa sáng lành mạnh

5. Tips for preparing healthy breakfast

If you are a busy person, especially in the morning, you can try the following tips to create a healthy breakfast preparation habit:
Cook in advance: If possible, prepare breakfast from the evening. the day before and store in the refrigerator. In the morning you just need to reheat and enjoy; Get ready: Plan what to eat for breakfast the night before. Then, lay out the ingredients in each bowl, pot or pan. The ingredients are ready to be processed in the morning; Takeaway: You can make a dry or cold breakfast the night before. In the morning, simply grab it from the fridge and take it out to eat when it's appropriate. In addition to developing a healthy breakfast menu that suits your preferences, locally available foods, and your family's budget, you should also seek health advice from your doctor. For example, your doctor may recommend reducing salt in your diet if you have high blood pressure.
A healthy breakfast should not be high in sugar and fat, nor does it have to take a long time to prepare. You just need to memorize the basic ingredients in the meal, make a breakfast menu and have the ingredients ready whenever you have free time during the day.
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