Guidelines for general abdominal ultrasound

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The article is professionally consulted by - Master, Resident, Specialist I Trinh Le Hong Minh - Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

Abdominal ultrasound is the basic procedure for routine examination for the purpose of periodic health check or evaluation of known diseases. The technique is simple and painless for the patient.

1. What is General Abdominal Ultrasound?

General abdominal ultrasound is a technique so that the doctor can observe the structure of the internal organs inside the abdomen and can diagnose the disease if any differences are detected.
Abdominal ultrasound can help doctors detect and evaluate damage to organs in the body such as liver, bile, spleen, pancreas, urinary system such as kidneys, bladder, ureters, genital system such as uterus, ovaries in women, prostate in men.
General abdominal ultrasound can also evaluate some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as appendicitis, enteritis, large tumors or hematomas appearing in the abdominal organs, assess the fluid in the abdomen. abdominal cavity and pleural cavity, pericardium of the patient.

2. Is abdominal ultrasound harmful to health?

Abdominal ultrasound is completely harmless to the health of the patient. Anyone can have an abdominal ultrasound. Except for some situations where the patient cannot lie still during the ultrasound or the area to be ultrasound is infected and the soft tissue of the ultrasound area is limited, ultrasound should be limited.

Siêu âm ổ bụng là một kỹ thuật an toàn không xâm lấn và không gây đau
Siêu âm ổ bụng là một kỹ thuật an toàn không xâm lấn và không gây đau

Ultrasound is not an X-ray, so it will not use ionizing radiation, so it is quite safe for humans. If an area needs ultrasound, a clear gel will be applied to that area. In some other ultrasounds, such as rectal ultrasound or vaginal ultrasound, the doctor will insert a transducer into the anal opening or insert an ultrasound instrument into the vagina for direct examination.

3. When is a general abdominal ultrasound needed?

When the patient has symptoms such as:
Abdominal pain for many days palpable or suspected tumor Mental fatigue, poor appetite Severe unexplained weight loss or digestive disorders. There are many factors that affect the quality of ultrasound such as: obesity in the patient, food in the stomach and intestinal gas. Therefore, in order for the general abdominal ultrasound process to obtain accurate results, the patient should limit eating foods that are difficult to digest, greasy and easy to cause bloating.
For people with suspected gallbladder disease, fasting for 6 hours before, and urinating to evaluate bladder, uterus, ovaries and prostate gland.
Even if there are no symptoms, the doctor also recommends regular health check-ups every 3-6 months, there will also be an appointment to go for an abdominal ultrasound to check your general health. Abdominal ultrasonography is a safe and routine investigation, so patients can rest assured.

Người bệnh bị đau bụng nhiều ngày cần được siêu âm ổ bụng giúp tìm nguyên nhân
Người bệnh bị đau bụng nhiều ngày cần được siêu âm ổ bụng giúp tìm nguyên nhân

4. General Abdominal Ultrasound Guide

General abdominal ultrasound is also very simple, the doctor will apply a transparent gel on the abdomen to ultrasound the abdomen. Bring the transducer in direct contact with the body and then sweep the transducer around the abdomen to be ultrasounded. The transducer, in contact with the skin, emits high-frequency sound waves and captures the image on the display screen.
It can be said that general abdominal ultrasound is just a simple, fast, harmless routine exploration technique that can help doctors detect abnormal signs in the abdomen, from which they can timely treatment. However, in order to have the best ultrasound results for the patient, it is still necessary to find a reputable ultrasound address to check.
With the above very important meaning, abdominal ultrasound is one of the indispensable checks in the GENERAL HEALTH EXAMINATION packages at Vinmec International General Hospital. The ultrasound process is carefully performed by experienced and highly qualified sonographers, radiologists, modern ultrasound systems, high technology, providing detailed and clear images. , detects very small irregular images. Early detection of disease and signs of disease will greatly help the treatment process later.

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