"Grandmother" rice - a specialty at Vinmec

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Not only during pregnancy but after childbirth, nutrition still plays an extremely important role in the health of mother and baby. Postpartum diet for pregnant women needs to ensure full of necessary nutrients, however, in fact, many mothers do not know what to eat and what not to eat after giving birth.

Some studies have shown that the nutritional status of the mother after childbirth has an effect on the quantity and composition of breast milk. Specifically, if the mother's diet after childbirth is deficient in vitamins, especially vitamins A, D and B1, breast milk will also lack these vitamins. In addition, in the first 6 months of life, the amount of antibodies of the baby is provided directly through breast milk. Therefore, ensuring that the mother provides enough energy and necessary nutrients for the mother after giving birth will help prevent the best disease for the baby.
To ensure the mother's diet after giving birth, it is necessary to provide enough and balance nutritional components. It is advisable to combine a variety of foods to improve the quality of the diet. In addition, the foods used in the diet should choose seasonal foods, not necessarily only after giving birth.
At Vinmec, more than anyone else, doctors advise women after giving birth to eat enough nutrients, not to abstain too much because it is very necessary to regain strength and create milk to feed the baby. If the mother is healthy, the child will grow well. That's why in the meal for mothers after giving birth at Vinmec, there will be enough ways of nutritional ingredients that the mother needs to supplement during this period:
Eat fresh fruits and green vegetables (eat spinach after giving birth. ..) to ensure the amount of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Eat carbohydrates that are often found in rice, noodles, bread, sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc. Get protein from lean meat, chicken, eggs and legumes. Load calcium from milk, butter, sardines, tofu... to support the development of bones and teeth for babies. Not only full of nutrition, meals for mothers after giving birth at Vinmec are also beautifully decorated, with varied portions, scientifically processed, and food is delivered from the kitchen to the patient's room. Pregnant women will be placed in a Happy cart with a hot compartment (preserving food, keeping food hot) and a cold compartment (preserving fruit)... birth. Thanks to that, choosing to give birth at Vinmec, pregnant women will not have to think about what to eat and what not to eat after giving birth.
The source of food for processing food for pregnant women after giving birth at Vinmec is selected from reputable suppliers, ensuring freshness and safety before being processed to bring mothers meals. Full of nutrition, delicious.
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