Benefits of skin-to-skin contact after birth

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The article was professionally consulted by Senior Doctor Nguyen Thi Tan Sinh, Obstetrics and Gynecology Center, Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Skin-to-skin after birth is a measure recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) to apply. In Vietnam, since 2014, the Ministry of Health has also guided the implementation of skin-to-skin contact to bring positive effects to the health of mothers and babies after birth.

Skin-to-skin method is proven to bring many health benefits to the mother and baby after birth, skin-to-skin contact is performed as soon as the newborn is taken out of the womb and pressed against the mother's skin or father skin-to-skin contact 30 minutes to 1 hour after birth, the baby's face, chest, abdomen and legs are close to the mother, there is no gap, the baby's head is tilted to one side close to the mother's or father's lap .
Postpartum skin-to-skin contact is performed and repeated as much as possible during the first few weeks postpartum. Babies can also have skin-to-skin contact with their father after they have had their first skin-to-skin contact with their mother.
For children: The undeniable great benefit of skin-to-skin contact after birth is to help the mother-child relationship become more intimate and integrated, and at the same time, thanks to the skin-to-skin contact with the mother or father. Children are kept warm, stabilized heart rate, breathing rate and blood sugar, less fussy, facilitate the baby's brain development, stimulate the digestive system, help the baby gain weight evenly, strengthen the immune system for children. babies, babies are breastfed early, milk comes in early and more. For mothers: Skin-to-skin contact after birth helps mothers get rid of pain and feel more comfortable, content and happy when holding their long-awaited baby for 9 months and 10 days, thanks to skin-to-skin contact with the mother. The mother's blood pressure gradually returns to a stable state, the pain disappears, and the possibility of postpartum depression is greatly reduced. Skin-to-skin contact with father and mother is the first way to bond parent-child affection, giving children safety as well as a certain closeness. Skin to skin should be done regularly for real effect.
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