Functions of the left hemisphere of the brain

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Some neuroscientists argue that the function of the human brain is best explained by unilateralism, which means that the right and left hemispheres of the brain perform very different functions. different and the two sides communicate through each party's connections. So what does the left hemisphere of the brain control?

1. How does the human brain work?

The human brain is a complex organ of approximately 3 pounds, containing about 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion connections. The brain is the center of everything you think, feel and act
The brain is divided into two halves or hemispheres (right hemisphere and left hemisphere). Within each hemisphere, there are specific areas that control certain body functions. Although the two hemispheres look very similar, there is a huge difference in the way information is processed. Despite their contrast, the two hemispheres cannot function independently of each other.
Different areas of the brain are connected by nerve fibers. If a brain injury cuts off the connection between the sides, the body can still function, but not as intact as it once was. The human brain is constantly reorganizing itself to be able to adapt to change, whether it's physical change or through life experiences.
Currently, scientists continue to map the brain to better understand the function of the areas of the brain that control body activity. This information is vital to advancing research into brain injuries and diseases and to treatment, care, and recovery protocols.

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2. What function does the left hemisphere of the brain perform?

Hypothesized that people are left-brained or right-brained, meaning that one side of their brain will be dominant over the other. If you are analytical and methodical, then you may be left-brained. If you have creative or artistic tendencies, you may be right-brained.
This hypothesis is based on the fact that the brains of the two hemispheres work differently. This hypothesis was first put forward in the 1960s, thanks to the work of psychologist and Nobel laureate - Roger W. Sperry.
Left brain functions include:
Understanding the synthesis of all situations to create the big picture Controlling the movements of the large muscles used for walking Perceiving the body's position in space Balance Communication nonverbal Emotional function Perception of smells, sounds and flavors Controls avoidance behaviors According to neuroscientific research, the left brain is also positively stimulated by new experiences, controlling the immune system, and is also responsible for automatic functions such as breathing, heart rate and digestion.

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Left-brain and right-brain psychology further describes left-brain functions including: attention to detail, fine motor skills, and the ability to convert sounds into language and translate meaning. The left brain network is also thought to control logical/analytic thinking, including math ability and problem-solving skills.
The two hemispheres are attached to each other by bundles of nerve fibers, creating a high-speed transmission. Although the two work differently, they work together and complement each other, so you don't just use one side of your brain.
Whether you perform logical or creative functions (right brain), you will have to use both hemispheres. For example, the left brain produces language, but the right brain helps you understand context and tone. The left brain handles math equations, but the right brain helps with comparisons and rough estimates.
However, it is a fact that the two sides of the brain are different and certain areas of the brain are separate. The exact location of the zones may vary slightly from person to person.

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3. Tips for healthy brain

According to the Alzheimer's Association, keeping the brain active can help increase vitality and create new brain cells. And the association also suggests that lack of mental stimulation may increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Here are a few tips to keep your brain stimulated:
Set aside time each day to read, write, or both. Non-stop learning. Take a class, attend a lecture, or try to learn a new skill. Crossword puzzles and sudoku games. Play memory games, video games. Picking up new hobbies requires focus. In addition to thinking exercises, your brain also benefits from physical exercise. Just 120 minutes of aerobic exercise per week can improve learning and verbal memory.
Avoid junk food and make sure to get all the nutrients you need through your diet, supplements and sleep.
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Reference source:, livescience .com,,
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