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Atsotine 400mg drug is used to treat acute stroke, help restore function after stroke, support to improve memory and increase concentration,... Along with benefits, the drug may have some hidden potential. side effects during use, so the patient should be cautious and strictly follow the treatment schedule of the doctor.1. What is Atsotine?
Atsotine medicine 400mg is a product of Korea Prime Pharm Co., Ltd, containing the main active ingredient is Choline alfoscerat, which helps to treat acute cerebral stroke and support rehabilitation for patients after stroke. In addition, Atsotine 400 is also used to treat the symptoms of traumatic brain injury, to help patients recover from trauma and neurosurgery. In addition, doctors can also prescribe Atsotine for those who need to improve memory and increase brain activity alertness.
Atsotine medicine is made in the form of capsules, with packaging specifications of 1 box × 30 tablets. Each capsule contains Choline alfoscerate with a strength of 400mg and is to be used when prescribed by a doctor.
2. Indications and uses of Atsotine 400mg
2.1 Indications for use of Atsotine 400mg Atsotine 400mg is usually prescribed by doctors for the following cases:
Treatment of patients with acute stroke symptoms, and at the same time supporting rehabilitation after stroke. Support treatment and effectively improve the symptoms of traumatic brain injury, help patients recover from trauma and undergo neurosurgery. Treatment of dementia, lethargy, loss of consciousness and memory impairment, thereby helping patients improve brain quality, alertness, focus and clarity. Treat and improve the symptoms of cerebral insufficiency, headache, dizziness and vertigo. Support to improve movement, increase concentration, movement, treatment of Alzheimer's disease, memory loss and confusion in the elderly. 2.2 Uses of Atsotine 400mg Active ingredient Choline alfoscerat enhances the synthesis of phospholipids and acetylcholine of the neuronal array. Since then, the drug has the effect of preventing abnormal changes in the nervous system, helping to restore nerve function due to brain damage related to stroke, age, chronic vascular disease, stroke or brain injury. traumatic brain injury. In addition, this active ingredient also contributes to improving awareness as well as improving memory for users. A number of clinical and practical test results have shown that Choline alfoscerate has a specific mechanism of action as follows:
Affects cholinergic neurotransmitters. Regulates synaptic neurotransmitters and helps patients improve learning and behavior. Affects neurons and neurosensory function. Pharmacokinetics
Absorption: The active ingredient Choline alfoscerate in Atsotine 400mg after oral administration is absorbed and distributed rapidly throughout the body, after about 1 hour can reach peak plasma concentrations. After a single oral dose, the estimated half-life of the drug is about 14 hours and tends to increase to 41 hours after continuous dosing for 5 days, and plasma concentrations of Choline alfoscerate are also increased. significantly up. Distribution: The metabolic activity of Choline alfoscerate may increase choline concentrations in the brain. Distribution of the drug is concentrated mainly in the gland and there are relatively high concentrations in breast milk. Metabolism: Choline alfoscerate is metabolically flexible, in that part of the drug will be absorbed across the blood-brain barrier to be used for the synthesis of acetylcholine. Elimination: Choline alfoscerate is eliminated mostly in the urine as metabolites, with an estimated 4% excreted unchanged.
3. Dosage and how to use Atsotine 400mg
3.1 Dosage of Atsotine 400mg Atsotine 400mg is recommended to be used with the following dosage:
Starting dose: Take 1 tablet each time, take 2-3 times a day and last for 4 weeks. The duration of the drug can be prolonged based on the patient's clinical response or under the direction of the doctor. 3.2 How to use Atsotine 400mg Atsotine 400mg is made in capsule form, so patients can take it orally. During drug treatment, patients need to adhere to the correct dose and frequency of taking the drug as recommended by the doctor to limit the occurrence of side effects.
3.3 How to handle overdosage or missed dose of Atsotine 400mg In case of forgetting dose of Atsotine The patient needs to take the replacement dose as soon as he remembers. If it is too close to the time for your next dose, it is best to skip the missed dose and use the medicine as scheduled. Patients should absolutely not take a double dose on their own because this can easily lead to serious overdose reactions.
For cases of overdose Atsotine When taking Atsotine 400mg high doses can cause symptoms of nausea, difficulty breathing, vomiting or diarrhea. For this condition, the doctor can manage with gastric lavage and treat the symptoms immediately. In case of necessity, patients with overdose of Atsotine can also receive subcutaneous or intravenous epinephrine 0.1 -1 mg and atropine 0.5 - 1 mg.
When realizing symptoms of suspected overdose of atsotine 400mg, the patient should monitor their health and immediately notify the treating doctor. When going to the medical facility, the patient also needs to bring the used prescription and inform the doctor about the weight and height indicators.
4. Atsotine 400mg side effects
Atsotine 400mg medicine can sometimes cause unwanted side effects for patients during use. According to research, rare symptoms after taking Atsotine 400mg usually include:
Skin rash, red rash or hives. Headache. Insomnia. Heartburn . Although these side effects are only seen in a small number of patients treated with Atsotine 400mg, they can have a significant impact on overall health and other aspects of life. Therefore, during the course of taking the drug, the patient should listen to the body's response and immediately notify the doctor when any symptoms appear.
Like many other drugs, before using, patients need to carefully read the instructions and consult a doctor, pharmacist to have appropriate indications and ensure health.
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