Fried foods: Good or bad?

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Eating fried food is clearly not good for health, because besides the risk of obesity and heart disease, a recent study also shows that eating a lot of fried food is also associated with an increased risk of death, withdrawal short lifespan.

1. Risks of eating fried food

Research shows that people who eat french fries more than twice a week are more likely to die early. There are two reasons, one is that consuming more potatoes leads to a higher risk of disease, which will increase the rate of early death. Second, potatoes that are fried in unhealthy oils rich in trans fats, combined with the high amount of salt added to the dish, further increase the risk of death. However, this study still needs further clarification before final conclusions can be drawn.
In general, fried foods are high in fat, calories, and often add salt. A few studies published in 2014 showed an association between eating fried foods and serious health problems, such as:
Heart disease Eating fried foods can contribute to high blood pressure, lowers blood pressure and lowers blood pressure. good HDL cholesterol and cause obesity. These are all risk factors for heart disease. Research shows that the more often people eat fried food, the higher their risk of heart disease. Women who ate more than one serving of fried fish per week had a 48 percent higher risk of heart failure than those who ate only one to three times a month. On the other hand, eating a lot of grilled fish will lower the risk. A diet high in fried foods is associated with a significantly higher risk of heart attack than a high intake of fruits and vegetables.

Thực phẩm chiên rán có thể làm tăng nguy cơ tăng huyết áp
Thực phẩm chiên rán có thể làm tăng nguy cơ tăng huyết áp

Diabetes Some studies have found that eating fried foods puts you at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. People who ate fast food more than twice a week were twice as likely to develop insulin resistance than those who ate them less than once a week. People who consume 4-7 servings of fried food per week have a 39-55% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared with people who consume less than 1 serving/week.
Obesity Fried foods contain more calories than other processing methods. What's more, the trans fats in fried foods can play an important role in weight gain, by affecting the hormones that regulate appetite and fat storage. Even without the extra calories, consuming trans fat significantly increases belly fat. A 1% increase in trans fat intake resulted in a gain of 0.54 - 1.04 kg over 8 years. Meanwhile, increased intake of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats was not associated with weight gain.

2. Hydrogenated oil for frying

Fried foods served in fast food restaurants are often prepared in hydrogenated oils - high in trans fats. Many restaurants use these oils because they help add crunch and delicious flavor to dishes. But hydrogenated oils contain unhealthy trans fats that raise bad cholesterol (LDL) levels, lower good cholesterol (HDL) and increase your risk of heart disease.

Dầu hydro hóa được dùng trong các món chiên rán giúp tạo độ giòn
Dầu hydro hóa được dùng trong các món chiên rán giúp tạo độ giòn
Hydrogenated oils are especially unhealthy when reused - something eateries often do. Oil breaks down and changes composition with each frying, causing more oil to be absorbed into the food, which in turn increases cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Eating long, deep-fried foods is not a healthy choice, because it will make you receive a lot of calories without healthy nutrients.

3. Acrylamide when frying or baking at high temperature

Acrylamide, a chemical that forms in fried foods or baked foods at high temperatures, has been shown to cause cancer in animal studies.
When food is cooked at very high temperatures, the amino acid asparagine in the food reacts with the sugars to produce acrylamide. This chemical can form in many fried foods, especially potatoes, which are high in fructose and glucose.
The darker the fried food or grilled meat, the more acrylamide is present. For healthy people, eating moderate amounts of fried foods or grilled meats that contain acrylamide is unlikely to be dangerous. But if you have a family history of cancer, you need to consciously limit your intake of fried foods as well as foods that are grilled at high temperatures.

Acrylamide là loại hóa chất có thể gây tình trạng ung thư
Acrylamide là loại hóa chất có thể gây tình trạng ung thư

4. Eat fried food safely

If you want to eat fried food, make your own at home to choose healthy oils. Liquid vegetable oils are the healthiest choice because they contain large amounts of healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Olive oil and soybeans are not only good options, but also provide extra heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
Do not reuse old oil when frying. After frying is complete, use a paper towel to absorb excess oil from the food.
To reduce acrylamide levels, you should not let fried foods or grilled meats get too dark. Another tip is to store potatoes at room temperature instead of in the fridge. Potatoes kept in the refrigerator produce more sugar, and sugar produces more acrylamide.
There are a few tips for you to easily enjoy the taste of fried food, without frying. For example, slice a potato or sweet potato, then coat with olive oil and bake in the oven. Dip chicken in egg whites, roll in breadcrumbs and drizzle with olive oil to bake in the oven. Your dish will be crispy like at a fast food restaurant, but using very little oil.

You don't have to give up fried food, but you shouldn't overdo it either. If you want to eat fries from time to time, you should add a salad instead of a burger, to enhance the nutrition of the meal. Remember, the key to a healthy lifestyle and diet is moderation and variety of all foods.
In summary, eating foods fried in unhealthy oils can negatively affect health. Consuming fried or grilled foods at high temperatures regularly increases the risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity, even cancer or a reduced life expectancy. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid or strictly limit eating fried foods at outside restaurants. You can try some of the same cooking methods and use healthier fats.
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