Foods rich in vitamin K

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Vitamins are always one of the most important nutrients in the growth and survival of the body. Vitamins are of many types, in which Vitamin K is essential especially in improving the musculoskeletal system and blood clotting.

1. What is Vitamin K?

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, very necessary for our body, but this vitamin participates in the body's processes, helping to prevent diseases, not everyone knows.
Vitamin K participates in the clotting process, which can help reduce bleeding in special cases such as liver disease, malabsorption or long-term antibiotic use. Vitamin K helps the blood clotting process to take place better, limiting the amount of blood lost when injured. If the body is severely deficient in vitamin K, the blood cannot clot when it should, which can lead to death from excessive blood loss.
Vitamin K along with calcium helps build strong bones, so a deficiency of this vitamin will cause osteoporosis. In addition, vitamin K also helps the body prevent kidney stones, especially seen in vegetarians rarely get this disease due to the absorption of large amounts of vitamin K.
In addition, vitamin K also plays a role in helping the body fight against kidney stones. many other diseases such as pancreatic disease, bile...

Vitamin K giúp xây dựng hệ xương chắc khỏe
Vitamin K giúp xây dựng hệ xương chắc khỏe

2. Foods rich in vitamin K

The human body can absorb vitamin K easily from food provided through daily meals. However, it should be noted that this vitamin is fat soluble, so it is best absorbed by the body when consumed with fat. Too much vitamin K supplementation through functional foods needs to be consulted by a doctor because too much vitamin K is also harmful to the body.
According to the recommendations of nutritionists, the body's need for vitamin K in adolescents under 18 years old is 75 micrograms/day, over 19 years old needs 120 micrograms/day.
Foods rich in vitamin K include:
Spinach Whether eaten raw, boiled or cooked, spinach is always a superfood that contains a lot of nutrients, including vitamin K.
Basil (Basil) With 1 teaspoon of dried cinnamon powder per day can meet your vitamin K needs.
Kale Kale is a green vegetable that has many health benefits such as lowering cholesterol, preventing cancer, especially it is rich in vitamin K.

Cải xoăn rất giàu vitamin K
Cải xoăn rất giàu vitamin K
Cabbage If you don't like to eat kale, cabbage is a good choice to supplement vitamin K. Although cabbage does not contain as much vitamin K as kale when the content is only half that, half a cabbage also helps. provide the necessary amount of vitamin K for the day.
Mustard Mustard is a special accompaniment to many Asian countries, and is also an excellent source of vitamin K.
Parsley Fresh parsley is often used as a spice and herb. For garnish, few people know that just two teaspoons of parsley can meet the vitamin K requirement for an adult for a whole day.
Broccoli Broccoli is a vegetable that is loved by many people, has many uses for health, cancer prevention, anti-aging and harmful free radicals. In addition, broccoli is also a food that contains many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K.
Asparagus Many studies have shown that, eating a few stalks of asparagus can significantly increase the amount of these vitamins, especially vitamin K.
Celery Celery is a wonderful vegetable, has a very good smell and taste, it is both rich in fiber and contains a lot of vitamin K.
Finger plant This plant is more common in regions In Hindi, it is recognized as a food containing a lot of vitamin K.
Cucumber Cucumber contains a lot of vitamins, including vitamin K, this is a very easy food to eat.
Lettuce Any type of lettuce is rich in vitamin K. Therefore, it is recommended to eat salads every day to supplement enough vitamin K for the body.
Carrots Like cucumbers, carrots are also foods rich in vitamin K and can be eaten directly without processing.

Cà rốt có thể ăn sống và chứa rất nhiều vitamin K
Cà rốt có thể ăn sống và chứa rất nhiều vitamin K
Eggs In addition to green vegetables, there are a few other foods rich in vitamin K such as eggs. In particular, this vitamin is abundant in egg yolks.
Chili powder Many people think that eating chili powder is very hot, but this is also a spice containing a lot of vitamin K, and helps stimulate human taste. In addition, other spices such as cayenne pepper (red pepper), curry powder, and chili powder are all thought to be good sources of vitamin K.
Olive Oil Olive oil has many health benefits and is also rich in vitamin K. In addition, vitamin K is also found in both canola and sesame oils...
Dried fruits Dried fruits such as plums, peaches, blueberries, figs and grapes are rich in vitamin K.
Cloves Cloves is a spice with its own unique flavor, often used in food processing to provide vitamin K.

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