Ferritin test to evaluate iron metabolism disorders

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The article was professionally consulted by Associate Professor, Doctor, Doctor Le Ngoc Hung - Head of Laboratory Department - Microbiologist - Laboratory Department - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

Iron is an essential mineral needed by the human body and can only be absorbed through food. Normal iron, when absorbed into the blood vessels, exists as Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions, while the other part is stored as ferritin containing about 20% of the body's total iron. Therefore, the quantitative serum iron test in general and the Ferritin test in particular will help assess the disorders of iron metabolism in the body.

1. What is the Ferritin test?

Ferritin test helps measure the amount of Ferritin in the patient's blood. Ferritin is an iron storage protein that exists mainly in liver cells and immune cells, when the body needs iron to participate in metabolism and synthesis, iron will be released from Ferritin. So in the ferritin test, if the amount of ferritin changes, the iron content in the body will also change, for example:
If the ferritin test results are lower than normal, it can be thought of iron storage. low body weight and iron deficiency If the amount of ferritin is higher than normal, it indicates that there is a condition that causes the body to store too much iron.

Xét nghiệm Ferritin giúp kiểm tra lượng Ferritin trong máu
Xét nghiệm Ferritin giúp kiểm tra lượng Ferritin trong máu

2. When is a Ferritin test required?

Ferritin test may be done to diagnose a medical condition such as iron deficiency anemia : When a patient's blood test results indicate a low level of the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells or a low percentage of blood cells. Low hematocrit may require this test to confirm the diagnosis.
The Ferritin test combined with the iron synthesis test and the Transferrin test provides additional information about iron in the body. The test may also be ordered when the patient has symptoms of hypoferritinemia such as:
Unexplained fatigue Persistent headache, dizziness Body weakness Tinnitus, shortness of breath Irritability. Or manifestations of excess Ferritin include:
Chest pain, heart palpitations Abdominal pain Joint pain Body weakness and fatigue for no apparent reason.

3. Notes when performing the test

Need to fast for at least 12 hours before taking blood will give more accurate results. It is recommended to perform the iron metabolism assessment test in the morning, before 10 am because this is the time when serum iron reaches the highest concentration
The site is usually the dorsal vein of the hand or arm. The blood sample will then be taken to a laboratory and analyzed.

Trước khi xét nghiệm bệnh nhân sẽ được bác sĩ lưu ý về một số vấn đề
Trước khi xét nghiệm bệnh nhân sẽ được bác sĩ lưu ý về một số vấn đề

4. Results of Ferritin . Test

The normal value of Ferritin in the blood will be in the following range:
For men: between 24-336 ng/ml or 24-336 μg/l For women: between 11-307 ng/ml or 11 -307 μg/l. Increased blood ferritin levels are common in inflammatory diseases or liver diseases, cancer such as:
Rheumatoid arthritis Hyperthyroidism type 2 diabetes Leukemia Hodgkin lymphoma Iron toxicity Patients often have to blood transfusion Hepatitis. A decrease in blood ferritin levels suggests the following causes:
Diet does not provide adequate daily iron requirements Anemia Anemia Heavy menstrual blood loss Small bowel absorption disorders Injury cases bleeding , blood loss outside and inside the body. When the patient has signs of suspected iron metabolism disorder, it is necessary to do a Ferritin test to be able to properly assess the disease condition and find out the cause as well as the appropriate treatment measures.
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