Feeling tired after bathing is a sign of what disease?


Hello doctor,

I often feel tired after bathing or when the wind blows directly on my head. I have a history of mild myocardial infarction, often feeling tired and stiff from the left side of my forehead down to my heart. Doctor, can you tell me what disease I feel tired after bathing is a sign of?

Anonymous customer


Answered by Dr. Nguyen Luong Tan - Head of Cardiovascular Surgery Department - Cardiovascular Center, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.


With the question "Feeling tired after bathing is a sign of what disease?", the doctor would like to answer as follows:

You should go to a cardiovascular clinic to evaluate the cerebral vessels and measure the electrocardiogram. You may have an arrhythmia causing a blood clot in the heart and then drifting out, causing a mild stroke.

In addition, the role of a diet for people with myocardial infarction and exercise in preventing cardiovascular disease due to atherosclerosis has been proven effective. Healthy eating habits and regular exercise will reduce the incidence of many risk factors for coronary heart disease. For patients who have undergone optimal lifestyle changes but have not yet controlled their risk factors, patients should comply with treatment as prescribed by specialists.

If you still have questions about fatigue, you can go to a hospital in the Vinmec Health System for further examination and consultation. Thank you for trusting us with your questions. Wishing you good health.

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