Estimated calories needed per day for men, women, children

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Calories or calories are units of energy derived from food. The amount of calories in food varies by type, fat has more calories than protein and carbohydrates, and most vegetables are low in calories.

1. What are calories?

Calories are units of energy. Historically, scientists have defined "calories" to mean units of energy or heat that come from a variety of sources, such as coal or gas.
In the nutritional sense, all foods, whether they are fat, protein, carbohydrate or sugar, are an important source of calories that the body needs to stay alive and function.

Trắc nghiệm: Nhận biết sớm dấu hiệu chậm phát triển thể chất và trí tuệ ở trẻ

Nếu 6 tuổi không biết đếm số, 7 tuổi vẫn chưa phân biệt được giữa thực tế và tưởng tượng thì có thể bé chậm phát triển thể chất và trí tuệ hơn so với bạn bè cùng lứa. Bạn đã nhận biết được các dấu hiệu bất thường sớm này chưa? Cùng làm nhanh bài trắc nghiệm sau để trang bị thêm kiến thức cho mình nhé!

The following content is prepared under supervision of Thạc sĩ, Bác sĩ y khoa, Ma Văn Thấm , Nhi , Phòng khám Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Dương Đông(Phú Quốc)

Ma Văn Thấm
Ma Văn Thấm
Thạc sĩ, Bác sĩ y khoa,
Phòng khám Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Dương Đông(Phú Quốc)

2. Calories per day for the average person

Estimation of calories in food is essential for maintaining energy balance for different gender and age groups at three different levels of physical activity. Estimates are rounded to the nearest 200 calories and determined using the Institute of Medicine equation.

Estimated calories needed per day for men, women, children
To calculate these calorie levels, the scientists had to base gender, age, and activity levels on individuals with different reference sizes.
(A) Sedentary means a lifestyle that includes only light daily physical activity.
(B) Moderate physical activity includes activity equivalent to walking about 2.4 km to 4.8 km per day combined with daily light physical activities.
(C) Vigorous physical activity includes physical activity that is equivalent to walking more than 4.8 km per day combined with daily light physical activities.

3. Calories and health

The human body needs food calories to survive. Without energy, the cells in the body will die, the heart and lungs will stop working, and the organs will not be able to carry out the basic processes necessary for life. The human body absorbs this energy from food and drink.
If only consume the required number of calories per day, the human body can lead a healthy life. However, in reality, people often consume fewer or more calories than they need, which eventually leads to health problems.
The number of calories in foods tells us how much energy they contain. Here are the daily intake of calories for the three main food ingredients:
1 g carbohydrate contains 4 calories 1 g protein contains 4 calories 1 g fat contains 9 calories Example, on how to calculate food calories from a large egg, weighing 243g:
Fat: 23.11 g
23.11 g x 9 calories = 207.99 calories
Protein: 30.52 g
30.52 x 4 calories = 122.08 calories
Carbohydrates: 1.75 g
1.75 x 4 calories = 7 calories
So, if you eat 243g raw eggs will generate 347 calories, of which 208 calories come from fat, 122 calories come from protein and carbohydrates provide 7 calories .

Mỗi loại thực phẩm chứa hàm lượng calo khác nhau
Mỗi loại thực phẩm chứa hàm lượng calo khác nhau

4. Some tips to effectively consume calories and avoid weight gain

Eat breakfast and don't skip meals: A breakfast rich in protein and fat can keep you full longer and prevent you from snacking during the day. Eat slow-burning calories: High-fiber carbohydrates like legumes and healthy fats, like avocados, take longer for your body to release energy, so you won't burn out. hungry fast. Exercise helps burn extra calories and improve health. For those using a wheelchair, exercises that strengthen the heart and strengthen the heart can be done. Drinking water is healthy, has no calories and can fill you up. Avoid alcohol and soda as these have too many calories. If you crave sweet drinks, choose unsweetened fruit juice or better yet, make your own.
Eat more fiber: Fiber found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains helps you feel full and promotes digestive health. Check the label: You need to check the number of calories on the label in each food to know exactly how many calories you will be consuming. Use smaller bowls/plates: Studies have shown that portion sizes have increased over the past 3 decades and contribute to obesity. Using smaller bowls/plates will encourage you to eat smaller portions. Make a shopping list: Plan healthy items and snacks for a week, make a list of foods to buy, and when you go shopping stick to this list and avoid buying unhealthy foods. necessary. Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep affects your metabolism and can lead to weight gain. Avoid eating 2 hours before bed: Eating within 2 hours of going to sleep makes it difficult for the body to fall asleep, reduces sleep quality and promotes weight gain.

Uống nước tốt cho sức khỏe, không chứa calo và có thể làm bạn no
Uống nước tốt cho sức khỏe, không chứa calo và có thể làm bạn no

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