Ginger is used as a simple, safe remedy for stomach upset, indigestion, flatulence, nausea and vomiting. In most cases, ginger will provide health benefits. But there are also cases where ginger damages the stomach, making the pain more intense. Therefore, ginger is harmful to the stomach no longer depending on each specific case.
1. Uses of ginger
According to Oriental medicine, ginger is a type of tuber with warm, spicy taste, containing substances with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, very effective to relieve pain. Therefore, ginger is often used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract. Specifically, ginger has the following uses:
Ginger is a popular spice and is also used as a simple, safe and effective remedy to treat stomach pain, indigestion, flatulence, nausea and vomiting. and vomiting caused by digestive disorders or gastritis.
Ginger is anti-emetic, antispasmodic, anti-ulcer, and improves gastrointestinal motility.
Ginger contains substances such as oleoresin and terpenes that have a very good antiseptic, pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect.
Ginger is good for the heart by reducing cholesterol, reducing the risk of blood vessel blockage and reducing stroke by preventing blood clot formation.
The essential oil in ginger has the effect of reducing phlegm, reducing cough and is very effective in supporting the treatment of respiratory diseases such as flu, asthma, shortness of breath.
The substances present in ginger have analgesic, antipyretic, cough suppressant and immunogenic activities.
Folk and modern remedies include ginger to purge the body of harmful toxins and free radicals, improve metabolism and aid in weight loss.
Food and many drinks when mixed with a little ginger will help improve mood and increase appetite.
Effective treatment of oral diseases such as periodontitis and oral cavity ulcers. Protect teeth, prevent and treat tooth decay effectively.
Treatment of migraine headaches.
Drinking hot ginger water not only promotes blood circulation but also dissipates alcohol in the blood, helping to quickly get rid of drunkenness and limit headaches after drinking. You can add a little honey to hot ginger water and drink it many times to increase the effect.
Helps to make the face rosy, quickly improve the condition of pale face due to lack of sleep, lack of substance or labor by regularly washing your face with warm ginger water every morning and evening. Should maintain the habit of washing your face with ginger water continuously for 60 days. In addition, washing your face with warm ginger water is also effective for dry skin and dark spots, freckles.
Using hot ginger water to wash your hair has an anti-dandruff effect.
Ginger contains zingibain which has a natural analgesic role, soothes muscle aches, headaches, arthritis, rheumatism, ... Applying a mixture of hot ginger water, honey and vinegar several times on the painful area helps to relieve pain. Blood circulation, muscles are comfortable, back pain and shoulder pain are very effective.
Treatment of pinworms by drinking about 1-2 cups of hot ginger water and cleaning the anus with hot ginger water, maintained for about 10 days, will effectively kill pinworms.

2. Is ginger bad for the stomach?
Many people wonder if ginger is harmful to the stomach or is it good for the stomach to use a lot of ginger? For most people with stomach pain, ginger has a good effect, but in some cases, ginger damages the stomach and absolutely should not be used:
- People with stomach ulcers - duodenum when eating ginger will irritate the lining of the stomach, causing the lining to erode or the ulcer to become worse.
- Ginger prevents blood clots from forming, so it can burst weak blood vessels, causing gastrointestinal bleeding that is difficult to stop, so people who have a history of blood clotting disorders should not use ginger.
Besides, treating stomach pain by overusing ginger can cause heartburn, diarrhea, even prolonged stomach pain. Therefore, ginger needs to be used properly to achieve high efficiency.
3. How to use ginger to treat stomach pain effectively
Gastritis is a common disease, leading in the digestive tract diseases. Symptoms of gastritis such as upper abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, abdominal distension, indigestion, flatulence... lead to discomfort, loss of appetite and insomnia. Besides western medicines, ginger is also an effective, safe and economical medicine to treat stomach pain. Fresh ginger can be used directly as eating ginger candies, drinking ginger tea or cooked with dishes to use as an active supplement. Regardless of the form used, ginger can promote good use. Here are some ways to use ginger to treat stomach pain:
- Drinking tea mixed with a few slices of fresh ginger not only helps you feel more refreshed and healthier, but also helps relieve stomach pain. and symptoms of nausea, bloating.
- Drinking ginger lemon honey water regularly every morning helps treat stomach pain very well.
- Drinking warm ginger water is the simplest way to cure an upset stomach.
In summary, for most people with stomach pain, ginger has a good effect, but for some cases such as peptic ulcers or blood clotting disorders, ginger is harmful to the stomach and absolutely should not be used.
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