1. What is oral sex?
Oral sex involves using your mouth or tongue to stimulate your partner's genitals or anus. Many people enjoy oral sex as part of their 1 sexual lives, but it's a very personal act and not everyone enjoys or chooses to do it. Different people have different sexual preferences. There are many ways to stimulate someone. You can decide to decline oral sex, or you may enjoy experimenting with your partner to find out what gives you both pleasure.
It's important to talk to your partner so you can understand what you both enjoy and what you want to avoid. Only you and your partner can know if you're ready to experience oral sex. Think about whether it feels right and if you both feel comfortable with that decision. Talking to your partner about protection before you start oral sex will make things easier. This might feel embarrassing, but taking responsibility for protecting yourself and your partner is an important part of sex. If you find it too difficult to talk about, you may not be ready for oral sex. You should never feel pressured into performing oral sex. Don’t let anyone pressure you into any sexual act with comments like "oral sex doesn't count as real sex - you're still a virgin," or "oral sex isn't as risky as intercourse." If either of you is uncomfortable with the decision, it can ruin the entire experience. Oral sex should be enjoyable for both of you.

2. Tips for Hygiene Before Oral Sex
The risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections during oral sex is quite high. For this reason, it's crucial to prioritize hygiene both before and after engaging in oral sex.
While you might think that pre- and post-oral sex hygiene are the same, it's important to understand the specific steps involved for optimal health. We'll delve into these steps in more detail.
Hygiene Before Oral Sex
Before any sexual activity, it's essential to maintain good hygiene to reduce the risk of infections like yeast or unpleasant odors.
We'll start with cleaning the genital area before oral sex. Wash the genital area thoroughly with soap, or preferably, a soap designed for sensitive skin. Men should not forget to clean the testicles and perineum, while women should focus on the vulva, labia majora, and labia minora.
For uncircumcised men, bacteria and dirt can accumulate under the foreskin, often appearing as a whitish discharge with an unpleasant odor. To clean this area, pull back the foreskin and rinse the head of the penis with plenty of clean water. Then, thoroughly dry the genital area to prevent moisture, which can promote the growth of fungi.
In women, after cleaning the genitals, the anus should also be wiped clean. This is a preventive measure against issues like vaginal yeast infections.
Cleaning After Oral Sex
Many people don't feel the need to clean their genitals after oral sex, but this is crucial, especially for women. Cleaning the genitals after oral sex offers several benefits:
Preventing bacterial growth. Cleaning helps prevent the growth of bacteria, especially if lubricants, oils, or condoms were used.
Reducing the risk of urinary tract infections. Urinary tract infections are more common in women and can be prevented by proper hygiene after oral sex. Keeping the genital area dry is important.
If you're away from home and don't have access to a shower, using disposable wipes can be a good alternative. It's important to carry these with you for such situations.

Oral hygiene during oral sex
You've already learned some tips for cleaning before and after oral sex. However, it's crucial to pay special attention to oral hygiene, especially before engaging in this activity. The mouth is a breeding ground for numerous bacteria.
However, it's crucial to remember the importance of preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Using condoms and dental dams are effective methods to prevent the spread of these diseases.
Many people mistakenly believe that STIs cannot be transmitted from genitals to the mouth. This is a significant misconception. For instance, the human papillomavirus (HPV) can spread from genital areas and lead to throat cancer. Therefore, in terms of hygiene, it's equally important to consider comprehensive protection, including oral hygiene during oral sex.
STIs are becoming increasingly prevalent and pose a serious societal problem. If you want to enjoy oral sex without worry, don't forget to consider protective measures. Practicing good hygiene before and after oral sex is a simple yet effective way to protect yourself from various health issues, especially infections.
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