Early identification of a depressed person

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Depression is a mental illness that is becoming more and more common in modern society. Depression can lead to unpredictable, even life-threatening consequences due to negative thoughts, emotions, and suicidal thoughts. Understanding how depression symptoms, how depression manifests will help the patient and the patient's family have a timely treatment.

1. What is depression?

Depression is a psychological disorder that makes patients feel sad, tired, and uninterested. This feeling lasts for a long time, affecting the patient's health, thoughts and actions.
People with depression can hardly work or live a normal life with family and friends around, more seriously, have actions to hurt themselves, even commit suicide.
There are different types of depression such as: Post-breakup depression, seasonal depression, stress depression, pregnancy depression, postpartum depression...

Trầm cảm là chứng rối loạn tâm lý, khiến người bệnh luôn có cảm giác buồn bã, mệt mỏi, không có hứng thú
Trầm cảm là chứng rối loạn tâm lý, khiến người bệnh luôn có cảm giác buồn bã, mệt mỏi, không có hứng thú

2. Signs of depression

Always sad, depressed: This is a characteristic sign of people with depression. They often appear tired, sad, complain about life and have feelings of emptiness, hopelessness, no desire for anything. Self-isolation: People with depression often tend to like to be alone, do not want to participate in social activities or relationships, communication activities. Loss of energy: Patients often feel unable to work or participate in activities. Many patients say that they feel exhausted and do not want to do anything. Loss of interest: The patient is no longer inspired by the activities he used to enjoy. Sleep disturbance: People with depression may sleep more than usual, always lethargic, dreamy or insomnia, have difficulty falling asleep, wake up many times in the middle of the night, accompanied by symptoms of anxiety, restlessness . Eating disorders: The patient may eat a lot, eat not feel full or eat no appetite, anorexia, stop eating. Movement disorders : The body becomes slow, tired, stagnant in both activities, gestures, words and thoughts. The patient communicates in a monotone voice, absentmindedly looking into the distance. Many patients are always anxious, pacing back and forth, unable to sit still. Decreased concentration: People with depression think more slowly, may become absent-minded, can't focus on doing anything, even simple things like watching TV, reading newspapers, reading books... : Patients tend to underestimate themselves, lose confidence, often blame themselves even when making small mistakes. Patients may even be paranoid, make up their own mistakes, and blame themselves. Having negative thoughts: People with depression often have negative thoughts. Always feeling depressed, tired, not eager for life, causing them to have thoughts and actions that hurt themselves, have suicidal thoughts and even plan to commit suicide.

Người bệnh trầm cảm có xu hương tự làm tổn thương chính mình
Người bệnh trầm cảm có xu hương tự làm tổn thương chính mình

3. Where is the treatment for depression?

Depression is a mental and physical illness that can seriously affect health and quality of life. Therefore, when you see symptoms of depression in yourself or your friends and relatives, you need to see a specialist as soon as possible to be treated with drugs and appropriate psychological therapies.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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